Sunday, March 25, 2007

Soft Lenses, Too Soft. Come out, Mr. Miyazawa!


そして“Reflections on ASEAN” を読了。スピーチ集なので、格段おもしろい内容はなし。強いて言えば、後半は米国の反対で頓挫した東アジア経済グループ(EAEG)推進への意欲や、具体的にジョージ・ソロスの名前は挙げていないが97年の通貨危機につながった投機への批判が目立つ。また、東京で行った日経新聞主催のフォーラムでの中国に関するスピーチでは台湾問題に触れていない。

“Power and Interdependence” と平行して、“Between Peace and War: The Nature of International Crisis” (Richard Ned Lebow)読むことにした。Lebow は数年前に読んだ“We All Lost the Cold War” の共著者。この本は確か大阪~福岡の新幹線で読んでいた。

Shinzo Abe's Double Talk (Washington Post)
He's passionate about Japanese victims of North Korea -- and blind to Japan's own war crimes.Saturday, March 24, 2007; Page A16
THE TOUGHEST player in the "six-party" talks on North Korea this week was not the Bush administration -- which was engaged in an unseemly scramble to deliver $25 million in bank funds demanded by the regime of Kim Jong Il -- but Japan. Tokyo is insisting that North Korea supply information about 17 Japanese citizens allegedly kidnapped by the North decades ago, refusing to discuss any improvement in relations until it receives answers. This single-note policy is portrayed as a matter of high moral principle by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who has used Japan's victims -- including a girl said to have been abducted when she was 13 -- to rally his wilting domestic support.

Mr. Abe has a right to complain about Pyongyang's stonewalling. What's odd -- and offensive -- is his parallel campaign to roll back Japan's acceptance of responsibility for the abduction, rape and sexual enslavement of tens of thousands of women during World War II. Responding to a pending resolution in the U.S. Congress calling for an official apology, Mr. Abe has twice this month issued statements claiming there is no documentation proving that the Japanese military participated in abducting the women. A written statement endorsed by his cabinet last week weakened a 1993 government declaration that acknowledged Japan's brutal treatment of the so-called comfort women.


慰安婦問題が表面化した宮沢内閣の時代だったと思うけど、The Economist の投書欄にはフィリピンから「日本人将校の相手ができて誇りに思った女性もいた」とあった。残念ながら同誌サイトは97年以降の記事しか検索できない。

金曜日の午後、“Albert Court” の“Golden Wall Centre” で隣人だったDから電話をもらった。何年かぶりに話した。仕事を探していることを話したら、「前の会社は?」と言う。まったく思いつきもしなかったが……。

1週間前に地震の夢、そしたら能登半島地震。ARN の夢でDからの電話。何これ?

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