Friday, December 01, 2006

Ahhhhh... (2)


オッペンハイマーが危ない。米国政府の核増強路線に警笛を鳴らし、軍備の現状を明らかにすることを促す(“candor”)が、核開発の機密をソ連側に漏らすよう依頼されたなど、過去の共産党員との付き合いと水爆開発への反対をネタに揺さぶられる。冷戦激化とウィスコンシンのマッカーシー上院議員による「赤狩り」が背景にあるが、Atomic Energy Commission のボス、ルイス・シュトラウス(Lewis Strauss)を筆頭に、オッペンハイマーを個人的に嫌う勢力が彼を葬ろうと躍起だ。政権に都合の悪い考えは排除しようとする姿勢は全体主義と何ら変わるところがない。


While in London, Kitty and Robert had dinner one evening with Lincoln Gordon, a classmate of Frank’s at the Ethical Culture School, and someone whom Robert had met in 1946 when Gordon served as a consultant to Bernard Baruch. Gordon would always remember the dinner conversation that evening. Robert was in a somber, reflective mood and when Gordon gingerly mentioned the atomic bomb, Oppenheimer spoke at some length about the decision to use the bomb. He acknowledged that he had supported the Interim Committee’s decision – but he confessed that he “didn’t understand to this day why Nagasaki was necessary….” He said this with sadness in his voice, not anger or bitterness. (p. 476)

Leaving Peter and Toni in the care of his secretary, Verna Hobson, Robert and Kitty boarded a train at Trenton and arrived in Washington in the late afternoon… (p.484)


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