Monday, July 16, 2007

The Orient Express Moves on

The Orient Express moved on, leaving Coral behind in Subotica. A communist revolutionary, Dr. Czinner, is dead, and Coral seems to have got caught by the journalist, Mabel Warren, who pursued the doctor. Honestly, I anticipated more happenings. One underlying theme is of course prejudice against Jews, especially moneyed ones like Myatt. But yes, the train moves on.

Just yesterday, I wrote about my okay sleep and then last night to this morning, I couldn’t sleep at all. Or maybe I was but the feeling is that I was awake the whole night with my eyes closely shut. I had a three-hour nap from 1:00 pm and feel fine.

Certainly, I’d like to start working at DJ soon. Otherwise, it would be an anticlimax. It was the autumn of my 3rd year at university that I cited the names of two Japanese news agencies. “‘Kyodo’ and ‘Jiji’” as hoped-for employers to a questionnaire sheet provided by the Employment Division (就職課), knowing there was no chance to make it reality. Then I was already reading a U.S. news weekly though I didn’t even have a passport.

After Kalamazoo, after Albany, after Osaka, and Taiwan and Korea… I simply kept reading because I wanted part of news, yes part of history. I’m still continuing here in Singapore. There is no denying at all that this DJ job is a rewarding result of all those years, after all those jobs and companies, some of which were fraudulent and/or humiliating. Even the word “impossible” say “I’m possible.” It must be this way.

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