Saturday, December 01, 2007


買う必要もなかったんやけど、HMVまで行って「♫ ごめんね」のCD(「我可以抱你嗎?愛人」)を買った。曲名は「会いたい(好想見你)」やった。中国語版はの曲名は「不在乎他」。歌詞の内容は違う。それから、やっぱり買う必要はなかったんやけど、「死の棘」(小栗康平監督)のDVDも19ドルやったんで買ってしまった。

I should have read “Orientalism” first among the works by Said. However, I, at this age, still have a great difficulty to follow this powerful book of his. It is perhaps because of my total lack of knowledge of English and French scholars on and travelers to the Orient. Learning continues… until I decide to quit all.

Five killed in Israeli Gaza raids (BBC)
Gazans bury dead after Israeli raid (Al Jazeera)
Six Palestinians, including militants, killed in Gaza (Reuters)

Trying to achieve peace by killing people… while the leaders are talking in the U.S.

With puke out comes the mental tumor.

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