Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Just Give Me Peaceful Nights

Was able to sleep fairly well. Why so terrible on most days and only fair on others? Never feel refreshed.

A Burnt-Out Case (Graham Greene): A man arrives at a léproserie in Congo because “The boat goes no farther.” Seemingly totally aloof toward any subject, the man, Querry, only says he wants to be of use at the village of lepers. From a magazine cover, he is discovered to be a world-famous architect, but he, insisting that he has retired, does not tell much about his past work.

To a correspondent, Parkinson, who intrudes into his life for a scoop, Querry says, “Would you write the truth, Parkinson, even if I told it to you? I know you wouldn’t. You aren’t burnt-out after all. You are still infectious.”

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