昨日、終わった本。"Thinking allowed?" (Warren Fernandez)
昨日と今日は近所のCoffee Bean に本を読みに行った。今日は洗濯もした。少しずつ生活が戻ってきたような「気がする」。しかし、睡眠の質は一向に改善されてない。一晩中、眠ってるのか、起きているのか、夢を見ているのかわからない。
処方された薬は、カウンセリングの開始とともに以前のZoloftとZopicloneからLexapro 、Ativan、 Epilimの3種類に変わった。そのうち、Lexaproは起きてから服用するように言われたが、服用後、眠くてしかたないと2度目のカウンセリングで言うと、就寝前にEpilimとAtivanといっしょに飲んでもかまわないとのことで、そうしていることが逆に睡眠を妨げているのかもしれない。今日の夜はLexaproは飲まないことにする。
Epilimは初回の処方が200 mgで、今は300 mg。
LEXAPRO (escitalopram) is in a class of drugs called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Lexapro affects chemicals in the brain that may become unbalanced and cause depression. Lexapro is used to treat depression. Do not stop taking Lexapro without first talking to your doctor. It may take several weeks for you to start feeling better.
ATIVAN (also known as Lorazepam) is indicated for the management of anxiety disorders or for the short-term relief of the symptoms of anxiety or anxiety associated with depressive symptoms.
[EPILIM] contains the active ingredient sodium valproate, which is a medicine that is used mainly to treat epilepsy. It works by stabilising electrical activity in the brain. In addition to its licensed use for treating epilepsy, sodium valproate is used off-licence by specialists as a mood stabiliser for treating people with the psychiatric illness, bipolar affective disorder. This use is not licensed, but the medicine has been shown to be effective for controlling episodes of mania in this condition, and for helping prevent future episodes of ill health. It is not fully understood how sodium valproate works as a mood stabiliser in bipolar disorder, but is thought to be to do with the increased activity of GABA in the brain.
Graham Greeneのことをもっと知りたいけど、Norman Sherryの書いたbiographyは3巻で2500ページもある…。
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