Sunday, June 10, 2007

So Much Done at 39 Years Old and Japan's Shameful People

After the march in support of sanitation workers’ strike in Memphis, Tennessee, which degenerated into a riot, King is back in the city for a second march in spite of a city injunction.

Closely watched by the city undercover police and the FBI, on his way to a dinner at the house of Billy and Gwen Kyles on April 4 1968, King was gunned down on the balcony of Room 306 at the Lorraine Motel by an escaped convict, James Earl Ray. King was 39 years old.

Thirty-nine years old! What was I doing at 39? What am I doing now?

And LBJ did not live to see the end of the Vietnam War.

Another book has been over. Every moment I finished a book, I miss it as if it has some sentimental tail like a comet.

From Sankei Shimbun:

The last point of his is very very important. There are some Japanese people, especially in the media, who are quite happy by inflaming and encouraging anti-Japan sentiment domestically and internationally. While we do not have to make excuses for the mistakes and actions that should rightly be considered as atrocities, those people’s attitude is completely shameful, all the same.

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