Monday, June 11, 2007

Swearing Sleep Talks

A terrible night… Hard to sleep and I moved the tatami mattress to the kitchen where there was more breeze. Still unable to obtain comfortable sleep, but in the familiar trance of half asleep, I shouted bringing myself out of it. I swore at two people who are supposed be the most important ones in my life. This was not the first time I shouted at them in this trance state. Just a few days ago, I said with an angry tone, “you don’t have to come with me.” To whom: I forgot… Somniloquy (sleep talking) indicates an unstable state of mind, I believe. And dreaming is a strange experience. More often than not, vivid dreams disappear from memory as soon as one gets out of the trance.

Late afternoon, I went to the Bugis area for the first time in so many months. I found that the national museum and its surrounding buildings have really changed. Walking down Orchard Road toward Kinokuniya, my left lens (hard) came out when I was passing the DG station and I picked it from the eye lid and turned back to go to the station toilet to fit it back in. Then, what happened was truly stupid. My hand hit the other that was holding the lens and it dropped to the pavement. When I found it, I thought I have not yet abandoned completely and found a broken half… I rushed back to the home area to visit the shop to get a free substitute.

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