Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Now Big Insomnia

Mix insomnia to long dreams, the sign is very clear. I went to bed at 9:30 pm last night after taking two tablets of Epilim, to give it enough time to kick in, but to no avail. Epilim is a serial betrayer. Or Epilim and I have become too chummy. Three more tablets in as many hours. Moved out of the bedroom in early morning and laid a “tatami” mattress on the living room floor for cooler air.

Former Yankees 3B Clete Boyer died at 70. He also played with the Taiyo Whales (大洋ホエールズ) from 1972 to 1975. He at 3B, John Sipin at 2B and Matsubara Makoto (松原誠) at 1B: that’s the Whales of the early 70s.

I finished “The Comedians” (Graham Greene) two days ago. This is not a story with a single major protagonist, like Henry Scobie and the whisky priest, while the story is narrated by “Brown.” By the end, the only person who “remains” in Haiti is “Major Jones,” a boastful liar who corners himself into committing (how willingly, I don’t know) to the insurgency against Papa Doc Duvalier. Smith, a former presidential candidate “against Truman” and his wife go back to the States via Santo Domingo. Brown, unable to go back to the hotel he owns, also goes there, to work with Fernandez as an undertaker.

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