Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Impossible "Q"uestion

Got Tiger Beer at the nearest 7 Eleven. Need to calm irritation. Q came to mop the floor today. Thanks to her. I went out for reading because at home, most likely I would fall asleep with a book in my hand and, with her around, I knew concentration would be impossible. However, as always, her harsh look and voice unbearably irritated me. She interrogated me by saying “Where did you go to hide?” Do I have to tell her where I go??? Do not throw words at me! Her good intentions are all canceled out by her way to talk to me… I may be prejudiced toward her but when I told her what is happening back home, she almost laughed it away. And weeks ago, a neighbor downstairs complained about the dripping of a wet mop, she almost went panicked. I don’t understand at all why she agonizes over such a small thing and is able to maintain aloofness over a life-death issue of my family. IMPOSSIBLE.

At the store, the man said, “Nineteen-fifty-five (dollars). Japanese war!” Gee, he knows I’m a Jap. “No, it was 1945. Totally defeated and paid the high price.”

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