Wednesday, October 24, 2007

I Only Need a Functioning Family

I’m feeling better today. Or it seems like so… (It can never be certain.) After a few days of no Cymbalta, it may be that it has started kicking in.

My understanding why the symptoms recur is that, when I must be doing nothing even remotely stressful, I have to worry about work and income. I can’t afford to think “Don’t worry, just enjoy your time.” Or probably more important, I only need a functioning family.

But don’t you see that I’ve persevered for so many years with this shitty condition, trying to look and be “normal”?

Listening to Zappa’s “YOU CAN’T DO THAT ON STAGE ANYMORE VOL. 6”… It can tell something about my mental condition today because depressed people can’t stand Zappa. Isn't that so???

It was a new fact that I’ve learned by reading “The Final Days” that Spokesman Ron Ziegler’s assistant, Diane Sawyer, is that Diane Sawyer of CBS’s “60 Minutes.”

Considering the work done by Al Haig, as Chief of Staff, to see the end of the Nixon presidency, I think it was quite understanding or even appropriate for him to decide to run for presidency himself.

However, for the past few weeks, I’ve had three instances of mental deterioration.
Amo Kenji (天羽賢治): suicide succeeded
Yasuda Tadao (安田忠夫): suicide attempted and survived
Richard Nixon: those around him, especially Haig, worried he might kill himself.

毎日報道ノ対象ニナッテイタノニ、スッカリ忘レラレテシマッタ人。ソビエト崩壊後スグニ「Pizza Hut」ノテレビCMニ、マタ最近ハ「Louis Vuitton」ノ雑誌広告ニ登場。Mikhail Gorbachev. 当地書店デハ、出版後数カ月シカ経ッテイナイハズノ、“Seven Years that Changed the World: Perestroika in Perspective (Archie Brown)”ハ全ク見アタラナイ。「ペレストロイカ」「グラスノスチ」ハ死語カ。

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