Monday, July 31, 2006

Denwa ga Kowai


Life Can't be Designed

訃報:田辺守さん83歳=元日本電装<現デンソー>副会長(毎日新聞 2006728日 2210分)
 田辺守さん83歳(たなべ・まもる=元日本電装<現デンソー>副会長)22日死去。密葬は近親者で済ませた。お別れの会を後日開く予定。自宅は非公表。喪主は長男達郎(たつお)さん。(ARN でデンソーの仕事をしたときに何度も写真を見た田辺さんだ。)


「自主独立」が信条だったのに、それとはずいぶんかけ離れた現実。最初の渡米準備を始めた1985 年から2度目の渡米を実現した92 年が「若者」としての独立時代、通訳として台湾、韓国で過ごし、さらにエンジニアらしき身分だった9598 年までが大人の独立時代。中でも、Kalamazoo にいた87 年は自分の能力を発見したようで夢のような時期だった。「ような」ではなく、きっと若さが許した夢だったんだろう。2000 年以降は自主ではなく、流れに流されている。どこかではしごの数段を踏み外したようだ。

“From Oslo to Iraq: and the Road Map” を今日(土曜日)終えるはずだったが、1日中眠っていたのでできず。

Friday, July 28, 2006

AX, Almost Like My Child...

それから、AX を辞めようとした朝も床にバタリと倒れた。もう少しで救急車騒ぎだった。創刊以前からのことを思い出して、つらかった。

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Mediocre + depressive = no future

Collapsed Again


初めて倒れたのは、「オヤヂ」が紹介したとんでもない京都の印刷会社で翻訳していたときで、その朝、出かけようとすると、視野が狭まってきて何にも見えない、聞こえない状態で、そのまま床に倒れた。2度目は多分、USJ の工事現場事務所。3、4度目は、ARN にいたとき。それでも仕事に行こうとした自分をエライと思う。

Q ちゃん批判が続いたが、彼女ほど自分のために行動してくれた人もまたいない。


Sunday, July 23, 2006

Apartment is More Important than a Human Life

ずいぶん前だが、Q ちゃんにはこんなことも言われた。Don’t kill yourself here (because it would adversely affect the value of the apartment).

Saturday, July 22, 2006

More Bombs to Fall onto Lebanese

As for the famous land swap by which Israel magnanimously gives up a little bit of the Negev Desert for the choicest bits of the West Bank, Clinton overlooks the fact that that particular Negev area earmarked by Israel just happens also to have been used by it as a toxic waste dump! (Chapter Four: Trying Again and Again, p 39)

[Nabil Shaath said] that Palestinians also want peace, that they want the Mitchell plan (as if that rubbishy piece of AIPAC-constructed nonsense had already become scripture: have Palestinian leadership like Yasir Abed Rabbo, Shaath, Saeb Erekat, and the others forgotten that as senators, George Mitchell and Warren Rudman, who were almost half the committee that produced that report, were among the highest-paid members of the Israeli lobby?) (Chapter Thirteen: Sharpening the Axe, p 86)

New York Times (July 22, 2006)

U.S. Speeds Up Bomb Delivery for the Israelis

WASHINGTON, July 21 — The Bush administration is rushing a delivery of precision-guided bombs to Israel, which requested the expedited shipment last week after beginning its air campaign against Hezbollah targets in Lebanon, American officials said Friday.

The decision to quickly ship the weapons to Israel was made with relatively little debate within the Bush administration, the officials said. Its disclosure threatens to anger Arab governments and others because of the appearance that the United States is actively aiding the Israeli bombing campaign in a way that could be compared to Iran’s efforts to arm and resupply Hezbollah.

The munitions that the United States is sending to Israel are part of a multimillion-dollar arms sale package approved last year that Israel is able to draw on as needed, the officials said. But Israel’s request for expedited delivery of the satellite and laser-guided bombs was described as unusual by some military officers, and as an indication that Israel still had a long list of targets in Lebanon to strike.

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Friday that she would head to Israel on Sunday at the beginning of a round of Middle Eastern diplomacy. The original plan was to include a stop to Cairo in her travels, but she did not announce any stops in Arab capitals.

Instead, the meeting of Arab and European envoys planned for Cairo will take place in Italy, Western diplomats said. While Arab governments initially criticized Hezbollah for starting the fight with Israel in Lebanon, discontent is rising in Arab countries over the number of civilian casualties in Lebanon, and the governments have become wary of playing host to Ms. Rice until a cease-fire package is put together.

To hold the meetings in an Arab capital before a diplomatic solution is reached, said Martin S. Indyk, a former American ambassador to Israel, “would have identified the Arabs as the primary partner of the United States in this project at a time where Hezbollah is accusing the Arab leaders of providing cover for the continuation of Israel’s military operation.”

The decision to stay away from Arab countries for now is a markedly different strategy from the shuttle diplomacy that previous administrations used to mediate in the Middle East. “I have no interest in diplomacy for the sake of returning Lebanon and Israel to the status quo ante,” Ms. Rice said Friday. “I could have gotten on a plane and rushed over and started shuttling around, and it wouldn’t have been clear what I was shuttling to do.”

Before Ms. Rice heads to Israel on Sunday, she will join President Bush at the White House for discussions on the Middle East crisis with two Saudi envoys, Saud al-Faisal, the foreign minister, and Prince Bandar bin Sultan, the secretary general of the National Security Council.

The new American arms shipment to Israel has not been announced publicly, and the officials who described the administration’s decision to rush the munitions to Israel would discuss it only after being promised anonymity. The officials included employees of two government agencies, and one described the shipment as just one example of a broad array of armaments that the United States has long provided Israel.

One American official said the shipment should not be compared to the kind of an “emergency resupply” of dwindling Israeli stockpiles that was provided during the 1973 Arab-Israeli war, when an American military airlift helped Israel recover from early Arab victories.

David Siegel, a spokesman for the Israeli Embassy in Washington, said: “We have been using precision-guided munitions in order to neutralize the military capabilities of Hezbollah and to minimize harm to civilians. As a rule, however, we do not comment on Israel’s defense acquisitions.”

Israel’s need for precision munitions is driven in part by its strategy in Lebanon, which includes destroying hardened underground bunkers where Hezbollah leaders are said to have taken refuge, as well as missile sites and other targets that would be hard to hit without laser and satellite-guided bombs.

Pentagon and military officials declined to describe in detail the size and contents of the shipment to Israel, and they would not say whether the munitions were being shipped by cargo aircraft or some other means. But an arms-sale package approved last year provides authority for Israel to purchase from the United States as many as 100 GBU-28’s, which are 5,000-pound laser-guided bombs intended to destroy concrete bunkers. The package also provides for selling satellite-guided munitions.

An announcement in 2005 that Israel was eligible to buy the “bunker buster” weapons described the GBU-28 as “a special weapon that was developed for penetrating hardened command centers located deep underground.” The document added, “The Israeli Air Force will use these GBU-28’s on their F-15 aircraft.”

American officials said that once a weapons purchase is approved, it is up to the buyer nation to set up a timetable. But one American official said normal procedures usually do not include rushing deliveries within days of a request. That was done because Israel is a close ally in the midst of hostilities, the official said.

Although Israel had some precision guided bombs in its stockpile when the campaign in Lebanon began, the Israelis may not have taken delivery of all the weapons they were entitled to under the 2005 sale.

Israel said its air force had dropped 23 tons of explosives Wednesday night alone in Beirut, in an effort to penetrate what was believed to be a bunker used by senior Hezbollah officials.

A senior Israeli official said Friday that the attacks to date had degraded Hezbollah’s military strength by roughly half, but that the campaign could go on for two more weeks or longer. “We will stay heavily with the air campaign,” he said. “There’s no time limit. We will end when we achieve our goals.”

The Bush administration announced Thursday a military equipment sale to Saudi Arabia, worth more than $6 billion, a move that may in part have been aimed at deflecting inevitable Arab government anger at the decision to supply Israel with munitions in the event that effort became public.

On Friday, Bush administration officials laid out their plans for the diplomatic strategy that Ms. Rice will pursue. In Rome, the United States will try to hammer out a diplomatic package that will offer Lebanon incentives under the condition that a United Nations resolution, which calls for the disarming of Hezbollah, is implemented.

Diplomats will also try to figure out the details around an eventual international peacekeeping force, and which countries will contribute to it. Germany and Russia have both indicated that they would be willing to contribute forces; Ms. Rice said the United States was unlikely to.

Implicit in the eventual diplomatic package is a cease-fire. But a senior American official said it remained unclear whether, under such a plan, Hezbollah would be asked to retreat from southern Lebanon and commit to a cease-fire, or whether American diplomats might depend on Israel’s continued bombardment to make Hezbollah’s acquiescence irrelevant.

Daniel Ayalon, Israel’s ambassador to Washington, said that Israel would not rule out an international force to police the borders of Lebanon and Syria and to patrol southern Lebanon, where Hezbollah has had a stronghold. But he said that Israel was first determined to take out Hezbollah’s command and control centers and weapons stockpiles.

Thom Shanker contributed reporting for this article.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Question to Tokyo Governor


Question over Q's Motive

数日前から“The Unconscious” (S. Freud)、きのうの夜から“From Oslo to Iraq: and the Road Map” (E.W. Said) を始めた。“The Unconscious” は、訳本のせいかどうか知らんが読みにくい。終えるのに時間がかかりそう。

Said の死後に出版された“From Oslo to Iraq: and the Road Map” では、すでに以下を発見した。
… Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia… has two sons working as lawyers in the very same law firm that represented Bush. Or that Justice Clarence Thomas… has a wife who worked for a right-wing Washington think tank doing studies of people who were being considered for the Bush cabinet. Chief Justice William Rehnquist… was once a well-known election officer blocking possible antagonists from voting during the election of 1964 in Arizona. (Chapter Three: American Elections: System or Farce?, pp 36-37)

午後、クリニックに行った。話したい(ような気もする)が、なかなか誰にも話せないことが言える唯一の場所。Q ちゃんに対する自分の疑念は晴れるどころか、残念ながらますます深まった。自分が職を失った場合、不法滞在者を住まわせることが心配のようだ。

Thursday, July 20, 2006

How Many Lebanese Have to be Killed??




Wednesday, July 19, 2006

I'm a Small Boy Again

“Don’t do this and don’t do that (even when it is so obvious to me not to do so)!!”

Commanding me like a small boy, who are you to me, Q??

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Is This Too Harsh on Her?


Monday, July 17, 2006

How Can I be Happy with an Ex Girlfriend Like Her?

KTP への荷物の運び入れがほぼ終わった。今日はBC で最後の夜。ベッドがもうないので床で寝ることになる。

しかし、引越しの話が最初に出たときとはずいぶん状況が違う。Q ちゃんと住むことに抵抗がないと言えば、それはうそだろう。かと言って、ほかの手段を考える財力も精神力も今はない。

“You want to marry me because you want to have PR status?”(まじめに考えて、結婚の可能性を示唆したとき)
“I can’t cope with (your illness).”
“My ex came to pick me up by car.”(「週末は仕事で疲れていて出かけたくない」と言ったことを指摘したとき)
“Where is a (engagement) ring?”(結婚を断ったとき)
“I’m not leaving you for another man.”(同上)


“You tell bad things about me to your friends.”
“Who (among your friends) is objecting to our marriage?”


Big Tameiki... No Way out

土曜日。また6~9時しか眠らなかった。クリニックに電話して薬をもらいに行くことを告げる。Dr に会うと、電話直前にQ ちゃんが自分のために薬を取りに来たと聞かされた。ありがたいが、どうして黙って行動するのだろうか?彼女の姿に、小学校の先生や友達と連絡する母親を見る。怒りではなく脱力に近い感情を覚えた。

5分ほどDr とも話したが、NUH への入院を勧められ驚きだった……ECT のときよりも驚きが大きいかもしれない。即答はしなかった。入院や収容所での隔離を繰返した人たちを題材にした本を終えたばかりで、不思議なつながりを感じた。入院してこれまで以上の治療が可能なのか、疑問にも思う。また治療費について聞かされ、まったく情けない思いがした。Q ちゃんは自分との関係をどのように理解・判断しているのだろうか?

クリニックの帰り道、Forum B へ寄ろうとすると、そのQ ちゃん本人が目の前にいた。しばらく話したが、彼女はクリニックに行ったことなど、自分には何も話さなかった……

今日(日曜日)。Q ちゃんへの反発から、半分わざと起きる時間を夕方まで遅らせた。また荷物を運んだ。

会社へも当然報告しなければならず、ますます“ctrl+alt+delete” を押したい気分だ。

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Doushiteiinoka Wakaranai...

3時間しか寝てなかったので、すっきり眠れると思ったら違った。午前中にクリニックに薬をもらいに行くことを考えたら、もう緊張したのか、眠れない。たまらずAtivan を半錠だけ飲んだら、朝ふらふらで起きられない。しばらく前までは2錠飲まないと眠れなかったのに。半錠でふらふらって……


雪道に止めてある小型トラックのような車に乗り込んだ。欧米人の子供が3人乗っていた。運転席かと思ったら、荷台との間にある「乗車席」だった。助手席に移るとS が眠そうな顔で座っていて、自分に運転するように言う。なぜか運転できて、しばらく進むと、政治集会のようでもある祭り会場があり、赤い法被を着た子供らが輪になって「回れ、回れ」と言いながらぐるぐる回っていた。彼らはそこで降りた。






“Touched with Fire” を終えた。最後は、リチウム治療の有効性と治療の「芸術生産」への影響から、優生、中絶や遺伝子治療の話となっている。誰の権利・責任で遺伝子の組み換えが行えるのか?すべての芸術家が躁うつ病ではないが、その相関は疑いようもない。躁うつ病の原因となる遺伝子が特定されたとき、治療と芸術のどちらが重要かなど、今はまだ答えの出せない問題の提起。

今さらのことだが、Q ちゃんは何であんな話し方をするのだろうか。あれでは、人に話すではなく、「言葉を投げつける」ではないか。

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Ativan, Good or Not So Good for Me?

今日は気分よく過ごした。明け方から3時間ほどしか眠らなかったが、「しっかり」していた。Ativan を1週間服用していないが、それが逆に奏効しているのだろうか?「眠らなくてもいい、起きなくてもいい」という安心感が気分をよくさせたのだろうか?

午後はB に行って、“Touched with Fire” の第5章を読み終えた。詩人(Lord Byron)の脳内回線や詩には詳しくない上、日本語の詩でさえ容易に理解できないが、「躁うつ病・高度芸術性・狂気」の相関を分析するこの本は、これまで読んだ精神医学関係の本と違って興味深い。“The Schreber Case” も進めたが、よく理解するには、Schreber の自叙伝を読むのが必須。

いよいよ引っ越しで、夜は衣類をスーツケースとリュックに詰めてKTP まで運んだ。

Two Long Nightmares














Tuesday, July 11, 2006

To Live or Not to Live


Monday, July 10, 2006

Blurring Mind


Downward Further and Further



Friday, July 07, 2006

Guilty, guilty, guilty

Tuesday morning, unable to wake up in time, I one hour later managed to call the Co to say “I don’t think I can make it today.” Huge guilty feeling. Sleeping or muddling, with dreams and flashing pictures, whole day, that dreadful, but familiar, feeling returned.

Early Thursday morning, trying to come up with the means to carry "it" out, I almost settled down with a knife. However I changed my mind. Do not I have many sleeping pills?? Coward!!! I swallowed only five tablets… Still somewhat staggering, I thought today is Wednesday...

I even thought about a combination of pills and knife to ensure a success. What is it for me to “want” to stay alive? Is there any place where I can be at peace?? I do not need any luxury.

The fact that I don’t have a place I can call home is the source of angst?? Have I turned the wrong corner somewhere??

On Ortega y Gasset, it was totally unexpected to find his name in “Homage to Catalonia.” In me, he was someone who lived so long time ago… At the same time, I knew he was a Spanish man who lived in the 1930s. After all it shouldn’t have been surprising at all. Then, I thought he was a thinker/philosopher not the police chief of the Government.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

George Orwell-Ortega y Gasset-Spain

"Homage to Catalonia" の中に、"Ortega y Gasset"の名前 が1カ所だけ登場した。25歳ごろ読んだ"The Revolt of the Masses" のOrtega に、Orwell の本で出会うとは。点が線でつながったいい例だ。
