Saturday, October 21, 2006

Oppenheimer-related Peolple

“American Prometheus” を始めてから、The Economist (28th September)ではWim Leemans (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)Simon Hookers (Oxford) の行っている素粒子(高エネルギー)物理学実験の記事を見つけ、

“The Leemans-Hooker apparatus, which is a mere 3.3cm long, is able to accelerate electrons to a point where they have a fiftieth of the energy of those accelerated by the nearby Stanford Linear Accelerator (SLAC), an electron-accelerator 3.2km long…”

今日はまさにJoseph Weinberg が登場したページを読んでいると、彼の訃報に接した。

“Coincidentally, the same week, a twenty-one-year-old graduate student named Joseph Weinberg found his way to Room 219 in LeConte Hall and knocked on the door. Cocky and opinionated, Weinberg had been sent packing in mid-year by his physics professor at Wisconsin, Gregory Breit, who told him that Berkley was one of the few places in the world where ‘a person as crazy as you could be acceptable.’ He belonged with Oppenheimer, Breit had said, ignoring Weinberg’s protests that Oppenheimer’s papers in Physical Review were the only articles that he couldn’t understand.” (p. 167)


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