Friday, January 15, 2010

ы, е and э

To me, ы is a trough character to pronounce. And е and э are confusingly mixed up in my head. Well, learning a third language in my second language in a country that does not have a language that can be called its own evokes a similar kind of feeling that I had in 2008 when, in Viet Nam and Cambodia, I was reading a book written by a Brazilian author, translated into English from Portuguese, which I borrowed from my friend from India in Singapore.

永住外国人に地方参政権を与えるべきかという問題。産経電子版によると、仙谷国家戦略・行政刷新担当相は「今の時期に(法案提出を)行うことがいいのか、じっくり考えなければいけない」、亀井郵政改革・金融相外国籍で参政権を持ちたいなら帰化すればいい」と「閣僚から慎重論」と報じている。しかし、仙谷氏の発言は、「when not if」であって、参政権付与に否定的とは受け取れない。これは、亀井氏が言うとおり、投票したければ帰化すればいいという単純な問題だ。

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