Saturday, January 31, 2009

My High School English Teacher




I met K tonight accidentally, a surprise, who has been absent for at least some years from Singapore, or so I believe. She said, “You changed.” Of course. As much as I changed, she also did.

In “War-time Diary,” the German bombing on London seems now (October 1940) becoming intense. (Paris is already fallen.) Orwell had been complaining about air raid warnings that lacked precision and were wasting people’s time for sleep and work. He sounds far more serious.

Help Me Get out of This Place

With the financial documents passed to my nice accountant and the skin doom finally attended to, my immediate concern that remains, except the job I got this morning, is how to find a new place and move out of this flat. Since December, I’ve contacted four places and there has been no reply. Ever self-reliant, I would not feel comfortable with engaging an agent. This self-reliance, wherein I see beauty, made me wait for more than a month until I decided to see a doctor for this fucking skin trouble… Bad attitude/habit maybe, but at any rate I’d like to resolve as many issues of my own as possible. After all, here is a man who called the business of employment agencies “legal human trafficking.”

I’m not confident at all of paying the rent all by myself or my company. I’d like to rent a flat that has two bedrooms, of which only one will be used as such, and a living room or one bedroom and a big living room as I don’t want to work in a room that has a bed in it. Either case, I need a housemate. A housemate who understands that I work at home…


Thursday, January 29, 2009

Life Extended

I brought the two files that I found yesterday to the accountant and they appear all that are necessary. On my way home, I visited one of the neighborhood clinics for my skin doom. The doctor said, “I’ve met you before,” and I believe so. He told me this was fungus infection and gave me a small container of white cream to apply to the patches twice a day. Let me see how it works. “What do you mean fungus? No fungus on me.”

Last night, I opened a mail I had received from the bank, and it was about the payment from Japan and today I found in the mailbox a cheque from another client. Enough to survive for a month. But then, what about March??

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

My Mind Do Not Work This Way

Errr… she can’t be called my client as no monetary transaction has took place. But since last November, there have been talks about future business. As it is business, I’d like to record things in writing including in the form of e-mail, but she seems incapable to write. What she usually tell me in an e-mail is “call me when you have time” without what the subject is about. When I see her, it is mainly for eating and drinking with a tiny dash of general talks of business. Not much cannot be accomplished in those talks and there is no written record. It is so slow to settle anything. This is not the way my mind works.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

It Was So Quiet

I went out for no particular reason last night (25th), the lunar new year eve. Orchard Road was quite deserted, eerily quiet. Even the street light-up decoration was gone. It seemed 80% of the population had disappeared. I dropped by Borders and found there “Facing Unpleasant Facts,” another collection of essays by George Orwell and bought it without hesitation. It was not there when I visited the bookstore when I was still reading “All Art Is Propaganda,” but there were three copies on the shelf last night. I walked down from Borders to CC and found two men sitting on a bench near the Somerset MRT entrance. Between them were four or five Tiger Beer cans. One of them were saying, “そこまではやらないけど (‘I wouldn’t do that much’ or ‘I wouldn’t go that far’).”

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Skin Doom?

And the skin trouble persists. Mental stress is believed to be one of its major causes. Mental stress…

Saturday, January 24, 2009



Friday, January 23, 2009

Dropped from My Own Bed



I watched yet another FZ DVD, “Baby Snakes: a Movie about People Who Do Stuff That is Not Normal.” I understand that this concert was released as a CD. “What do you mean, ‘You don’t sing’? Sing ‘Baby Snakes.’” In this DVD, we can see how nice FZ is to his audience (foolish young consumers?). I also learned from his MySpace page last night that Ed Mann plays next month in Kalamazoo!

An Afternoon with Frank Zappa

I watched another DVD this afternoon, “An Evening with Frank Zappa during Which Torture Never Stops.” This is a 100% concert movie recorded at The Palladium, New York City, on October 31 1981, when I was only a high school student and had no idea any Zappa existed. Here, we can hear “Strictly Genteel,” played an encore piece, arranged differently from other recordings. We can also actually see how “busy” Ed Mann worked on stage. They are all so PROFESSIONAL.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

An FZ Night with No Titties

Ladies and gentlemen, it’s been an FZ night here (DVDs of “Apostrophe (‘) Over-nite Sensation” and “The Dub Room Special!”), with beer but not with titties. On stage were FZ and all stars, including George Duke, Bruce Fowler, Ruth Underwood, Ray White, Ed Mann, Chad Wackerman and Steve Vai, who inexplicably visited this sterilized island some years ago.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Cloudy Mind

An SMS woke me up. It was asking me to deliver the job due this morning. Well, I sent two of the three files on Friday and the remaining one yesterday afternoon. They are in the “Sent” folder of my company e-mail account. I resent the last file again via my company account and went back to sleep (with a bad dream). When I checked my Hotmail Inbox after a few hours, there was one that said they had not received it yet.

I re-resent the last file by Hotmail and it went through. Immediately, I received another e-mail asking me to send the other files too… I duly resent them, by Hotmail. Anyway, one job is complete now.

There are two important tasks I need to get done. Important but my mind seems resisting to deal with them. One: find a new place to stay at. Two: prepare the financial documents of October 2007 to September 2008 for the tax filing.

I found three places late last month at a website and sent a message to each one of them. I haven’t received any response from any of them. They must be forgotten. Over this past weekend, I checked a few other websites and no place was appealing or affordable. So tedious.

For the business from October 07 to September 08, I’m directly responsible only for the very last month. Though I understand fully I’m the sole person who is responsible for the business of the company, for the reason above, I’m only quarter-hearted for the task. Tonight, I opened two of the boxes I inherited. There was nothing in there that was relevant for the period.

Mysterious patches on my face appear spreading. It’s been a month or more since they started visiting my face. Now the one on the right temple is big and reddish, and more obvious than the other few. Itchiness can be suppressed with an antiseptic cream I got at a neighborhood pharmacy. But it doesn’t seem healing them. And this morning I noticed I have pain just below my right ear. Do they have anything to do with my hair, which has never been longer since 1987? I don’t really know what is happening to me. Mentally, I spent a cloudy day today.

I’m now in the “Newspeak” Appendix of “1984.” The story was not as shocking as when I read it many years ago, maybe because I’m now a callous person.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Then Blair and Now Obama. Political Chameleons


かつて新進党が突然、当時「The Economist」がさかんに言及していた「規模の経済(economy of scale)」を言い出したことを覚えているのは自分だけではないだろう。短絡的で信用ならん。新進党の初代党首は、首相経験者で今は自民党に戻って影の薄い海部俊樹だったが、実質上その代表的存在にあって第2代党首となったのは……。今日、自民党大会とともに民主党大会も行われた。現代表と、新進党から分かれて太陽党を結成し、その後民主党に合流した羽田孜が並んでいる写真を見て、またもや違和感が沸いてきた。自民党と相対して、清新な印象が必要なはずの民主党に、政治家としての潔さを持つ人がどれだけいるのだろう。



Saturday, January 17, 2009

Any Anniversary Today?




I’m sure that Israel will agree to a truce only after it has accomplished its planned mission. Be careful though. Active forces in Lebanon started making noise.

Friday, January 16, 2009


More than 1,000 Palestinians are reported to have been killed in Gaza by Israel. Nearly a third of the dead are children and about 5,000 have been injured. Israel is only creating more Israel-haters. WE ARE WITNESSING ANOTHER BEIRUT.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Dreadful Word, "Deadline"

The mission to the bank has been accomplished. Then I can pay myself for December. This afternoon, one job has been confirmed and I started working on it. Contract documents… totally boring stuff. But lots of it. And the rate is very low. Who created the word, “deadline”? Such a dreadful word.

Again, on the way from the bank, I dropped by that Onitsuka Tiger shop this time to have the pair I got yesterday exchanged with one of a one size smaller. Tonight I went out wearing it to pay a phone bill and buy a six-pack. My soles already hurt. The one I bought yesterday was creating a lot of gap between my toes and the tips. Shoes “grow” to the shape of one’s feet. I hope I just have to wear the pair for a week or so. I believe the shape of my feet has changed because of my continuous use of sandals. I need a new pair of cheap sandals too.

As soon as I finished “All Art Is Propaganda,” I started “1984,” which I read soooooooooooo many years ago. It was definitely before I left Japan for my graduate study in the US. Proceeding with the book, I’ve been feeling some uneasiness because the atmosphere it creates is quite similar to what I’ve experienced in where? I won’t say. “Newspeak,” “doublethink,” “thought police,” even “facecrime.” It seems many people adopt Julia’s attitude, that is, while she hates the Party, as far as things do not affect her personally, she does not care. She is rather an active supporter of the Party on the surface.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Onitsuka Tiger & Emoto "from the Nippon Ham Fighters"

I went to the bank to deposit two cheques. As it is located at a quite inconvenient place from my unit, I took a taxi, only to find it was already closed. I’ll try again tomorrow.

On the way back, I dropped by an Onitsuka Tiger shop. I checked the same shop when I visited the bank last time too. The red pair, which I had seen before and somewhat resembles to the one I used to wear when I was in college, was still on display and I decided to take it. Nobody can blame me for overspending given the condition of my old Adidas shoes. My size seems to have grown bigger perhaps because I usually wear sandals, not those not-so-well-ergonomically-designed shoes. But I should have it exchanged with a pair of one-size smaller.

ヘンな日本語(また)発見!「さわやかな経験は待つ」(Suntec City)。何なんだろう。わかりにくい。 「さわやかな経験」が「誰を」「何を」待っているんだろうか? それから、しばらく前にバス停で見た「高級の食品」がMRT駅(City Hall)にもあった。「高級食品」やったらあかんのか?予算けずって、翻訳させるからこんなことになる。


Sunday, January 11, 2009

Have I Advanced Their Cause?

楽天監督ノムラさんが話し手として出演したNHKの「人生の歩き方」 (全4回)を見る機会を得た。まず驚いたのは、野球殿堂でのインタビューが77年のホーム用ユニフォームを背景に行われていることだ。「私は西武OB」と公言し、大阪球場跡に建設された商業施設「なんばパークス」にある南海ホークスの展示には、彼の名前も写真も登場しないのである。この番組については「南海ブログ」にもう少し書こうと思う。

On Friday, a T-shirt and a bracelet arrived, from Jerusalem via Israel Post. I was stupid enough not to think when I ordered these items. Maybe, these were produced by an Israeli company that is taking advantage of the misery and suffering of the Palestinian people. If so, my purchase did nothing to advance their cause.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Trouble with Making Myself Understood

Several days ago, I had a shampoo bottle in the basket at a supermarket. A woman was promoting shampoos and conditioners of a different brand and approached me. I said, “But I have a matching conditioner.” She asked me to repeat myself by saying “Excuse me?” “I have a matching conditioner at home,” I said again. “But that is not a conditioner” was her reply.

This afternoon, I was rushing for an appointment. I took a taxi and said to the driver, “Forum shopping center, Orchard.” He started the car and said, “Holland shopping center…” “No, no. Forum, Orchard,” I repeated. After a few second, he said, “Funan shopping center...”

How can I make myself understood in this country?

Friday, January 09, 2009

Baddy Japanese Writing & My Childhood Celebrities

タイ首相:ASEAN会議の開催地また変更 ホアヒンに(毎日新聞電子版)


うちから駅の方へ歩いて、Tiong Bahru Roadの手前、HDBブロックの1階に小さな商店が並んでいる。そこを通ると、「人は誰もただひとり~」のメロディーが聞こえてきた。歌詞は中国語で、子供の歌声だ。どうやら、コインを入れると数分動く子供が乗って楽しむ遊具からのようだ。





Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Simple English & Pacifism a la Gandhi

夕方、“All Art Is Propaganda”を終えた。Orwellが“Politics and the English Language”で述べていることは、自分が実際に観察した“The Economist”と“U.S. News & World Report”の“Style Book”に反映されている。外国語の不使用などについては、常に守られているとは言えないが。

(i) Never use a metaphor, simile or other figure of speech which you are used to seeing in print.
(ii) Never use a long word where a short one will do.
(iii) If it is possible to cut a word out, always cut it out.
(iv) Never use the passive where you can use the active.
(v) Never use a foreign phrase, a scientific word or a jargon word if you can think of an everyday English equivalent.
(vi) Break any of the rules sooner than say anything outright barbarous. These rules sound elementary, and so they are, but they demand a deep change of attitude in anyone who has grown used to writing in the style now fashionable…

“Refection on Gandhi”: Close relationships, Gandhi says, are dangerous, because “friends react on one another” and through loyalty to a friend one can be led into wrong-doing. This is unquestionably true. Moreover, if one is to love God, or to love humanity as a whole, one cannot give one’s preference to any individual person. This again is true, and I marks the point at which the humanistic and the religious attitude cease to be reconcilable. To an ordinary human being, love means nothing if it does not mean loving some people more than others… [At] any rate, it makes clear that on three occasions he was willing to let his wife and a child die rather than administer the animal food prescribed by the doctor… It is true… also that Gandhi – with, one gathers, a good deal of moral pressure in the opposite direction – always gave the patient the choice of staying alive at the price of committing a sin… This attitude is perhaps a noble one, but, in the sense which – I think – most people would give to the word, it is inhuman. The essence of being human is that one does not seek perfection, that one is sometimes willing to commit sins for the sake of loyalty, that one does not push asceticism to the point where it makes friendly intercourse impossible, and that one is prepared in the end to be defeated and broken up by life, which is the inevitable price of fastening one’s love upon other human individuals… Many people do not wish to be saints, and it is probable that some who achieve or aspire to sainthood have never felt much temptation to be human beings…

In relation to the last war, one question that every pacifist had a clear obligation to answer was: “What about the Jews? Are you prepared to see them exterminated? If not, how do you propose to save them without resorting to war?” I must say that I have never heard, from any Western pacifist, an honest answer to this question… According to Mr. [Louis] Fischer, Gandhi’s view was that the German Jews ought to commit collective suicide, which “would have aroused the world and the people of Germany to Hitler’s violence.” After the war he justified himself: the Jews had been killed anyway, and might as well have died significantly…

(I've read about this "collective suicide" comment somewhere.)

Monday, January 05, 2009

G Vs T, Oct 1973





12,000-yen Vouchers


Sunday, January 04, 2009

Sniper, Floating in the Air & Kisses from Miss MQT




けさの夢は、カレーを作ろうと思って材料を用意している場面で始まった(ようだ)。たまねぎはなぜか表面が濃い紫色で固く、その部分は捨てた。気づいたのは、肝心のカレーがないこと。スーパーマーケットに行った。京都での大学生時代、同じエレベーターボーイだったウエサカさんの他、数人といっしょで、カレー売り場を先に見つけたのはウエサカさんだった。陳列棚の上の方にあって、「Tom Yam」と書かれていた。「トムヤム味のカレーはいらないな」と思いながら、自分はジャンプしていた。トムヤム味カレーを棚から取ろうとしたのかどうかはわからない。ジャンプすると、外の風に乗って浮き上がった。ゆっくり降りてくると、また風に乗って浮き上がった。その繰り返しだった。


Miss MQT came to my bed and woke me up. It was 3:30 am. I tried to find her, but she was very elusive. Altogether, she kissed me in more than five places.

Saturday, January 03, 2009

From Japan to Singapore Seeking Freedom of Speech?

譲渡先は「PACKET MONSTER INC. 」とされており、これについての詳細な説明はない。ただ、2ch.netのドメインを所有しているのはwhois上でもシンガポールの「PACKET MONSTER INC. PTE. LTD.」となっており、形式上だが2ちゃんねるの所有権が「ひろゆき」氏の手を離れた。


Friday, January 02, 2009

Some Familiar Pattern

It seems almost always a sense of desperation on the part of the Palestinians that makes them resort to armed attacks against Israel because they should know that it is not possible to force Israel, which has advanced fighter jets financed and backed by the US, to cave in or come to talks in a sincere way by any military means. The death toll is mounting, now over 400 Palestinians including a senior Hamas leader. Meanwhile, on the BBC, Shimon Peres, President of Israel, is talking about the 70 rocket attacks fired from the Gaza Strip today, which should not be compared with air raids by his own country. Eerily silent are the Palestinian leadership in the West Bank and Barak Obama, the US president-elect, which indicates what is in store in the next four years and possibly more.