Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Caltex Gas Stand in Japan


“The Singapore Story” (Lee Kuan Yew)
“The Practice of English Language Teaching” (Jeremy Hammer)
“The Alchemist” (Paulo Coelho)
“From Third World to First” (Lee Kuan Yew)
“The Mahathir Administration: Performance and Crisis in Governance” (edited by Ho Khai Leong and James Chin)
「うちのパパが言うことには」 (重松清)
「華麗なる一族」(上) (山崎豊子)
「華麗なる一族」(中) (山崎豊子)
“The Bolivian Diary” (Ernesto Che Guevara)
「華麗なる一族」(下) (山崎豊子)
“Making It Right for Singapore” (J.B. Jeyaretnam)
“Chomsky on Anarchism” (Noam Chomsky)
「沈まぬ太陽」(1・アフリカ篇・上) (山崎豊子)
「沈まぬ太陽」(2・アフリカ篇・下) (山崎豊子)
「沈まぬ太陽」(3・御巣鷹山篇) (山崎豊子)
「沈まぬ太陽」(4・会長室篇・上) (山崎豊子)
「沈まぬ太陽」(5・会長室篇・下) (山崎豊子)
「不毛地帯」(1) (山崎豊子)
「不毛地帯」(2) (山崎豊子)
「不毛地帯」(3) (山崎豊子)
「不毛地帯」(4) (山崎豊子)
“Language and Politics” (Noam Chomsky)


Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Abashiri Jail, "See You Again, Alive" & No Salary This Month



1冊を中断して別の1冊を始めてしまうことがよくある。“All Art Is Propaganda”を休めて、数年間ほったらかしの三島由紀夫の「花ざかりの森・憂国」を始めてしまった。どちらも今年中に読み終えられない。短編集だが、昭和16年、16歳だった三島が書いた「花ざかりの森」の読みにくさは何だろう。偶然にして、“All Art Is Propaganda”に収録されているエッセイと同時代の作品だというのに、「花ざかりの森」の主題を判別することもむずかしい。その他、生卵を飲む習慣のある大学生5人が卵から死刑判決を受ける「卵」はSF風。


Today’s reply from StarHub says that “Our engineers… found the signal to be normal… If the issue persists on a different PC, we would appreciate it if you could give us a convenient date and preferred time slot to arrange for our technicians to go to your premises and troubleshoot the issue.”
The time slots given are 11 am to 1 pm, 2 pm to 4 pm and 4 pm to 6 pm. Thanks. First of all, I won’t bother to connect another PC to conduct the test. And in any case, during those time slots, the connection is usually smooth. It becomes almost static after around 10 pm. Waiting and waiting only to see the message like “Network Timeout” or “Connection Interrupted”… Such a waste of time.


It’s been two years since the execution of Saddam Hussein. And the killing continues in the Gaza Strip.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Abbas Blames Hamas for Israeli Raids

There are many funny things. And this can be definitely counted as one. The whole Arab world and Iran are once again in flame with anger for Israel’s massive bombing raids on the Gaza Strip. The only exception is Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. He is blaming Hamas for its refusal to extend the truce, as the Sankei website reports.

In its air raids that started on Saturday, Israel has killed nearly 300 people so far. Israel bombed the Islamic University and is now threatening a ground assault.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Sleeping Problem Yet Again



Mr. [T.S.] Eliot describes [Rudyard] Kipling’s metrical work as “verse” and not “poetry,” but adds that it is “great verse,” and further qualifies this by saying that a writer can only be described as a “great verse-writer” if there is some of his work “of which we cannot say whether it is verse of poetry.” Apparently Kipling was a versifier who occasionally wrote poems… (“Rudyard Kipling” by George Orwell)

Hmmm… What is the difference between “verse” and “poetry”?

So far as writing goes, all one can attempt is a process of simplification. The first step… is to find out which of the abstract words habitually used by politicians are understood by large numbers of people. If phrases like “unprincipled violation of declared pledges” or “insidious threat to the basic principles of democracy” don’t mean anything to the average man, then it is stupid to use them. Secondly, in writing one can keep the spoken word constantly in mind… [if] you habitually say to yourself, “Could I simplify this? Could I make it more like speech,” you are not likely to produce sentences like the one quoted from Professor [Harold] Laski above: nor are you likely to say “eliminate” when you mean kill, or “static water” when you mean fire tank.

(Professor Laski: “As a whole, our system was a compromise between democracy in the political realm – itself a very recent development in our history – and an economic power oligarchically organised which was in its turn related to a certain aristocratic vestigial still able to influence profoundly the habits of our society.”)

The “educated” accent, of which the accent of the B.B.C. announcers is a sort of parody, has no asset except its intelligibility to English-speaking foreigners. In England the minority to whom it is natural don’t particularly like it, while in the other three quarters of the population it arouses an immediate class antagonism. (“Propaganda and Demotic Speech” by George Orwell)


From the BBC website: [Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi] Livni told a meeting of her Kadima party that she would topple Hamas if she became prime minister after the general election on 10 February.
“The state of Israel, and a government under me, will make it a strategic objective to topple the Hamas regime in Gaza,” she said. “The means for doing this should be military, economic and diplomatic.
“Israel must react when it is fired upon, must re-establish its force of dissuasion and stop the rockets,” she added. “This is what has to be done and this is what I will do.”
[Benjamin] Netanyahu, whose right-wing Likud party is currently ahead in the polls, meanwhile called for a more “active policy of attack”, accusing the current government of being too “passive”.
"In the long-term, the toppling of the Hamas regime is inevitable," he said while visiting Sderot on Sunday.

Friday, December 26, 2008

"I'm Waving at You, My Folks"


「政府は24日の閣議で、衆院予算委員会での宮崎礼壹内閣法制局長官の政教分離に関する答弁を撤回する答弁書を決定した。公明党の山口那津男参院議員の質問主意書に答えたもので、憲法や法律に関する政府解釈を行う内閣法制局が国会答弁を撤回するのは異例だ。民主党の菅代表代行は10月7日の同委員会で、宗教団体による政治権力の行使に関し、オウム真理教教祖が党首だった『真理党』を例に引いて、 『(国会などで)多数を占め、権力を使ってオウム真理教の教えを広めようとした場合、憲法の政教分離の原則に反するか』と質問した。これに対し、宮崎長官は『違憲になる』と答えた。この答弁に関し、山口氏は質問主意書で、『事実関係を仮定しての質問に、法令を当てはめて答弁したことは不適当だ』と指摘した。答弁書では、宗教団体が支援する政党に属する者が国政を担当しても、団体が政治権力を行使することにならない、という政府見解を改めて示し、『見解を変更したと受け取られかねないことは指摘の通りで、内閣法制局として撤回したい』とした。菅氏は24日の記者会見で、『(公明党の支持母体の)創価学会という宗教組織に有利になるよう閣議決定が左右されている』と批判した。」









Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Other Element of Man

A dirty joke is not, of course, a serious attack upon morality, but it is a sort of mental rebellion, a momentary wish that things were otherwise… Society has always to demand a little more from human beings than it will get in practice. It has to demand faultless discipline and self-sacrifice, it must expect its subjects to work hard, pay their taxes, and be faithful to their wives… It is only that the other element in man, the lazy, cowardly, debt-bilking adulterer who is inside all of us, can never be suppressed altogether and needs a hearing occasionally. (“The Art of Donald McGill,” pp.166-167, “All Art Is Propaganda” by George Orwell)

超特急仕事を終えて、全部「はけた」。 この仕事は、「ご本人」がやるべきもの。昨日書いたことと関係するけど、能力以上の仕事を請け負ってしまったということかな。


Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Language Work Taken So Lightly

Interpretation work is not something that one should take up so lightly. Even now, after at least some years in language business, I feel quite nervous with every assignment, especially on its first day. This year, I even turned down two interpretation offers because I thought I would not be good enough to provide quality services.

Also this year, I had chances to see other people do interpretation. Some of them were obviously substandard. It may not be considered a big issue when an interpreter, or someone who acts as such, omits tiny details as far as the person get secure hold of the major points. However, it seems that people understand the “main” points differently. For some, they seem to mean what they remember. All others are tiny details. When you are required to make the brain work between two languages verbally, your language proficiency really shows. Interpretation work gives you only a moment of time lag. Even it is a successive interpretation work, you cannot check your dictionary or bring issues that you are not sure of to your home. Clearly, what counts is what you have already stored in the brain. It reveals how insufficient your language proficiency is. And your language does include your mother tongue.

Having looked at others work, I am feeling once again that I should be even more careful in choosing assignments and performing the work if I decide to take it up.



Ahhhh So Frustrating




Sunday, December 21, 2008

Such Weird Dreams

寝付きがいいなどど書いてしまったせいか、昨日は寝入るまで時間がかかった。 おまけにヘンな夢も見た。












I managed to upload the image to my “Hawks” blog, but the connection remains troublesome as simple file attachments to Hotmail sometimes fail.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Dream Speak

So frustrated as I was unable to upload just an image to one of my blogs.

So nice that it doesn’t take many minutes to fall asleep these days, but something wakes me up before dawn. Often, it is I myself who does so by uttering while dreaming a word, phrase, sentence or just exclamation.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Power Outage

Last night, I went to bed at about 11 pm and read for half an hour. When I woke up next, it was still before 3 am. Though I managed to go back to sleep, I was woken up again by the noise of a brush rubbing the outside floor. It was yet dark… It was not happy sleep. Finally, I went out of bed at 10 am, and at 11 am electricity went out. I checked the circuit breaker unit here and all were on. Stepped out, I realized that the elevators were not working. I didn’t know there would be a “power disruption” today for the whole block. The power cut continued for about an hour.

Why do I feel unbelievably sleepy while having coffee and reading, and why am I able to read after a 6-pack?

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Frustrating Connection Speed

Tonight, the net connection slowed down considerably. REAL WASTE OF TIME. And it recovered its somewhat faster speed with the power turned off and then on. Hmmm… funny.

On Thursday, I finished the remaining two pages of “Language and Politics” and opened “All Art Is Propaganda” by George Orwell.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

New Net Connection Contract

I, with Miss Q, visited the nearby StarHub shop where the original connection contract had been signed. The purpose was to transfer the contract to me from her (she signed the original because my EP would expire in less than six months, which was the minimum length required) and to get a faster connection. The woman tending the place told us the place was now only for mobile phones and suggested that we go to Plaza Singapura or Vivo City.

She preferred Plaza Singapura while insisting that it should be nearer by using the free shuttle bus. But I thought Habourfront is nearer as it is only two MRT stations away. Her point seemed more about the “free” shuttle than the time or distance. I didn’t want to wait for the shuttle that would come in no time or never. In half an hour, we would already be at Vivo.

There, we found out that the “tied-up” contract period was already over. Also, the girl at the counter told me that a slower speed might be because of my 5-year old modem. Miss Q said, “Why didn’t you suspect the modem?” I decided to ask her to terminate the original contract and sign a new contract under my name.

This presumably faster, and cheaper, connection with this new contract is showing only a small improvement so far. “Connection Interrupted” still appears. I doubt it gets any better.

Meanwhile, Miss Q asked and pushed me about my apartment hunt with her usual accusatory tone. I had to say to her, “Why do you talk to me all in CAPITAL LETTERS?” She made me feel like a very small and lazy person.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

E-mail Trips, Furure Housemate & Beria Searcher

I made two trips to Coffee Bean today, in the afternoon and evening, to send a few e-mails. At home, if the file is medium-sized, Hotmail fails to complete uploading it or takes longer than forever to do so. The performance’s been noticeably slow for the past few weeks, with the message, “Connection Interrupted,” appearing on the screen too many times, and my feeling is that StarHub’s server capacity is not large enough.

Supposing that I really have to move out here next month, there are a few issues I have to consider seriously. As it is unlikely for me to find an apartment that I can afford to rent in whole, I need someone to share the unit with. From my own horrifying experience, there is strong resistance in me for sharing in the first place. Secondly, even if I can force myself to accept the inevitability of shareing, the person who shares it with me must understand my working from home. Practically, how could we divide the payments for the utilities fairly when I would stay home for far more hours than my futute housemate? I would not want to share it with a friend too close. Neither do I want a total stranger.

For many months, a recurring item that has been searched on the net by someone or some people is the sadistic torturer during the Stalin era, Beria. Who is it that’s so interested in his life and behavior?

Monday, December 08, 2008

General Election?




The online connection by StarHub is often stuck, especially with Hotmail. It becomes frustratingly slow so much so that it impedes my work. Is this their way of inducing consumers to upgrade and pay more for their services? Or, is this an retribution by Microsoft on those who are not using their Internet Explorer as the default browser?

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Small Differences Coming out of a Black Box as a Radical Difference

… If you were to talk Finish, I wouldn’t understand a word of what you’re saying. But nevertheless, the more we understand languages, the more we discover that they’re really cast pretty much to the same mold, that the differences among them are pretty narrowly circumscribed. Now narrowly circumscribed and minor differences in quite intricate systems can lead to an output that looks very different. You make small changes in the internal workings of an intricate system, and what comes out may look like a radical difference. But the more we understand, the more it does appear to turn out that those differences are small. And, in fact, we know that this must be the case. I mean, it’s by something almost close to logic, with very few facts.
… [In] languages like, say, English and French, questions are formed by taking the question word and putting it at the beginning of the sentence; in Chinese and Japanese, it sits there. But by now, there’s very strong reason to believe that Chinese and Japanese are doing exactly the same thing. It’s just that it happens in mental computation without any overt expression. One of the ways in which languages differ is what comes up the mouth, what parts of the mental computation actually are manifested. But the mental computations themselves seem remarkably identical. I mean, not remarkably, because they have to be. If they weren’t near identical, we couldn’t learn language in the first place. (p. 732, “After the Fall,” 22 November 1991)

[Suppose] that the drug pretext were legitimate [in Colombia by the United States]. Suppose that the U.S. really is trying to get rid of drugs in Colombia. Does Colombia then have the right to fumigate tobacco farms in Kentucky? They are producing a lethal substance far more dangerous than cocaine (more Colombians die from tobacco-related illnesses than Americans die from cocaine). Of course, Colombia has no right to do that. (p. 738, “From ‘Communism’ to ‘Terrorism’ and the ‘Drug War,’” 21 February 2002)



Saturday, December 06, 2008

Wrong Japanese Usage & Language Signals


One of the interesting things about helping someone learn Japanese is that I am able to notice the way how the brain tries to pass “language signals” back and forth between the two languages. I know that his language signals originate in English and his brain tries to convert them into Japanese. I believe I went through the same process, which is probably inevitable at the beginning and slowly disappear as a signal channel for each language is constructed within the brain. After this process, signals for different languages learn how to live together so managing to handle signals from different sources become somewhat easier. It is like a marriage that is going smoothly even with occasional arguments.


Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Chores Done, But...

This afternoon, I collected the company stamp I had ordered on Monday and solved why it was so cheap. It requires an ink pad. Well, ok… it’s a tiny nuisance. I got a pad at “Popular” of T.B. Plaza.

I also mailed the documents requested by the bank, signed and stamped, and sent $$ to my Japanese account to pay for credit card expenses. Chores done, I escaped a high humidity after an afternoon passing shower to Coffee Bean for some work, only to realize I didn't have the work materials with me.

Human Relations... Enigma


Monday, December 01, 2008

Cheap Rubber Company Stamp and Nice Mature Lady

I ordered a rubber company stamp this afternoon. I was going to a shop which I had found on the web and where a stamp would cost around S$20 and more. In the same complex (Tanjong Pagar Plaza), I saw a tiny stamp shop. Not bothering to move around to find the S$20-shop, I entered the tiny one and ordered a rubber stamp. S$7.50. A nice deal.

Back in T. Bahru, I decided to work at C.B. as I was with my PC. I had to take a seat outside as the air-conditioned inside was fully packed. And outside there was a lady who looked like Kym Ng… She was exuding a more mature atmosphere and the lady totally distracted me. I went home to work…

Barak Obama will nominate Hillary Clinton as his Secretary of State. Does she have any diplomatic experience, as a former First Lady or whatever else? I don’t think so.