Thursday, November 10, 2016

My Hatred for This Counry Goes Deeper

Singapore still welcomes foreigners who are willing to live
and work here, I know. Then, some (or many?) Singaporeans
complain that there are already too many foreigners in the
country. Well, they don’t understand that for the
“advancement” of the country, it needs foreigners who do
the kinds of work which they do not want to do or are not
capable of doing. Perhaps hardest hit by their complaints
are those foreigners in the wage range, to which many
middle-class Singaporeans also belong. The government of
this country responds to the complaints. It seems that this
government judges or classifies foreigners, even when they
are working in fields of work where very few Singaporeans
are found or when they have been living and working here
over a certain number of years, only according to their wage
levels. Now, this country seems discarding foreigners who
can live among its people, and using them for  its own
further “development” only for periods of time which it
considers useful. I am not going to be used as a mere tool
for this country.
Alcohol intake record:
November 7 (Mon.) – 9 (Wed.): red wine

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