Thursday, April 30, 2009

On April 30 1975, Saigon Crumbled

On this day in 1975, the North Vietnamese forces stormed Saigon. The end of South Vietnam was rapid.

The flying “insect” I had thought a roach was a big moth with a fat red belly to which my hatred is quite strong but not as deep as to roaches. It is immobile in the room. It seems near its demise.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Tired Tired... Give Me Sound Sleep


「仕方ないので」、いつ眠ってもいい状態にしてからDr. Kissingerの「White House Years」を読み始めた。20ページほど読んで寝ようとしたら、これが眠れない。「You are floating on the water. The waves are very gentle and embracing you just so nicely」などと考えても全然ダメ。冷房を付けたり消したり。途中で、ブ~ンと外からムシが入ってきた。かなり大きいそうだったので、flying cockroachを想像したら、余計に眠れない。明るくなり始めてから、数時間眠った。気分悪い!午後3時までに銀行に小切手を持って行きたかったので、何とか起きた。気分悪い!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

One of Many Books

“Shimon Peres” was one of many those books. In the book, the only decent Palestinian seems Abu Ala’a (Abu Ala) who was involved in the Oslo Process from the early stage. Bizarrely, the book doesn’t mention the Munich Olympic episode of 1972 at all. Most characters are suspicious and scheming.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Nomura-san's Memory Capacity


Friday, April 24, 2009

Trip to Alaska to Dispose of Garbabe Container





Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Israeli Dreams of Land Grabs


During the long flight [to France], Ben-Gurion was immersed in a book by the Byzantine historian Procopius, describing an ancient Jewish kingdom in Yotvat Island – today’s Tiran, in the strait of the same name. Ben-Gurion’s book, Peres thought, revealed his secret dreams. (p. 146)
The Strait of Tiran is located between the Sinai and Arabian peninsulas.

It turned out that Ben-Gurion had already expressed his objection to the Israeli pretext [to draw England and France into the Suez conflict] and now presented to his hosts, instead, a far-fetched plan for the reshaping of the Middle East by redrawing Israel’s boundaries and even wiping Jordan from the map. (p. 147)
Erasing Jordan!

Dayan also demanded that England and France recognize Israel’s right, once the war [with Egypt] was over, to keep certain parts of the Sinai under her control. (p. 151)
This is a land-grab plan by force! What sort of right is Dayan talking about here?

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

To Whom Japan Belong?

清水由貴子ちゃん、父親の墓前で自殺の報あり。「ファミリー」とまで呼ばれた芸能人グループは何にもしてあげられなかったのか? ファミリー親分のコメントに注目したい。


“The infiltration of terrorists from Gaza and Jordan was on the rise; Egypt’s President Nasser created units of Palestinian terrorists in Gaza…” (p. 111, “Shimon Peres”)
They are all terrorists. Who created those “terrorists”? Infiltration by Jews into Palestine is called “immigration.” Many illegal activities by Israel are never considered “terrorist acts.”

Monday, April 20, 2009

Different Perceptions toward Illegality?

A few days ago, when I finished “Essays” by George Orwell, I started “Shimon Peres” by Michael Bar-Zohar. Into 89 pages, no Palestinian Arabs are mentioned as real humans.

“A throng of Arabs massacred sixteen Jews in the streets of Jaffa.”
“Arab bands… ambushed the main roads.”

The book talks about “illegal” activities on the part of Israel, for example, to procure armaments and connections with underworld figures. If any act is illegal on the Palestinian side, would it be described simply “illegal (but necessary to survive)”? I must go on reading.

Meanwhile, I went through “Invisible Trade II” that is mainly about the “escort” industry in Singapore.



Sunday, April 19, 2009

Takashimaya for Tigers Now & Israel not for Israelis as Ever



On Thursday, [George] Mitchell met Binyamin Netanyahu, Israel's new prime minister, who is leading a government dominated by hawks.
Israeli officials quoted Netanyahu as telling Mitchell that his right-leaning government wanted the Palestinians to first recognise Israel as a Jewish state.
Palestinians have long rejected such explicit recognition of the Jewish nature of a state where one in five people is Arab.
Netanayahu has yet to give a commitment to restart US-backed talks with Abbas on core issues such as statehood borders and the future of Jerusalem and Palestinian refugees. (Al Jazeera)

As he met Israeli leaders on Thursday, a senior official in Mr Netanyahu's office said the new prime minister had told Mr Mitchell: "Israel expects the Palestinians to first recognise Israel as a Jewish state before talking about two states for two peoples."
Under previous agreements, the Palestinians have recognised the right of the state of Israel to exist.

But correspondents say recognising it as a Jewish state would be tantamount to abandoning one of the Palestinians' key demands in final-status talks, the "right to return" of Palestinian refugees.
In a statement after Friday's meeting, Mr Erekat said the new Israeli condition "serves no other purpose than to stall progress towards negotiations".
"The PLO [Palestine Liberation Organisation] has already recognised the state of Israel. Netanyahu refuses to even mention a Palestinian state," he said.
"Until the Netanyahu government unequivocally affirms its support for the two-state solution, implements Israel's Road Map [2003 peace plan] obligations and abides by previous agreements, Palestinians have no partner for peace," Mr Erekat added. (BBC)

Recognize as the Jewish nation? Israel is not for the Israelis, but for the Jews. Sounds like sheer racism.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

"Going to" Japan

On Thursday, the work in Japan was confirmed as scheduled. What a surprising turn of event. I never expected to go there when I worked with them for the first time last September.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Help Wanted with Sleep

Bad sleep again. The traffic outside is kind of noisy into the wee hours, but I don’t think it is so loud that it prevents me from sleeping. What is the benefit to be working alone if I have to worry about disturbed sleep? Working alone should give me the freedom to sleep whenever I want to and as long as I like, as far as I meet deadlines. Or simply I’m not used to this place yet.

Video editing is not so easy after all. First of all, the timing is slightly different from that of sound, which I don’t understand. Even if I cut and remove the unnecessary parts by going through frame by frame, the result is not as good as I expect. This may be a problem of the particular software that I downloaded.

I delivered two jobs today, one of which I got only this afternoon. I had to turn down another enquiry as I didn’t think I could make the deadline, which was 10 am tomorrow. The plate is now cleared. To begin with, it is rare to find well-written originals. In particular, writings done by ad people are quite terrible in most cases. It seems to me that they have no clear idea as to what they write. All nice words and phrases are there. At the same time, they are often frustratingly repetitive. Especially troublesome is when I find multiple words of the same meaning in katakana and kanji.

In Japan, if I really go there next month, there would be some people and places I want to visit but have no time to visit all. A few of them are graves.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009



Monday, April 13, 2009

Sound Engineering

Several weeks ago, I downloaded nine music video clips from YouTube. Each lasts for about 10 minutes and I merged them by using the Movie Maker. Unfortunately, there is a shorter-than-one-second gap between the clips. No matter how short they are, they produce unmistakable silence. This afternoon, I got a sound editing software and with it extracted the sound of the whole video to cut out the silent parts. Finding the parts by looking at the sound wave, I could easily cut them out. Big kick out of it! Now that I’ve found where to cut, I can edit the visual part of the video.

Last night’s sleep, or lack thereof, was terrible. Though I didn’t have an afternoon nap, sleep didn’t come to me. It was 4:30 am when I stopped reading, believing I would fall asleep soon. Still no sleep. I decided to plug the ears. Still no sleep. After a few vivid episodes in dream, I got out of the bed well into afternoon, exhausted.

I was in a world where it was not possible for me to be good…
… [One] has to remember that the child has little sense of proportion or probability. A child may be a mass of egoism and rebelliousness, but it has no accumulated experience to give it confidence in its own judgements. One the whole it will accept what it is told, it will believe in the most fantastic way in the knowledge and powers of the adults surrounding it.
I had learned early in my career that one can do wrong against one’s will, and before long I also learned that one can do wrong without ever discovering what one has done or why it was wrong. There were sins that were too subtle to be explained, and there were others that were too terrible to be mentioned.
A child which appears reasonably happy may actually be suffering horrors which it cannot or will not reveal. (George Orwell, “Such, Such Were the Joys”)

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Cause of My Death

Looking at the PC screen, I feel a moment of slight dizziness a few times a day. In the long term, this may be the cause of my death.

This early morning, Joe Biden appeared in my dream. I was trying to say to him that I remember things about his ’88 presidential campaign and his bout of brain tumor.

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Much Ado...?

Much ado about nothing? North Korea launched a “satellite” over Japan. What’s the difference between this time and 10 years ago when Kim Jong Il did the same?

Pacifists = “those who ‘abjure’ violence can only do so because others are committing violence on their behalf.” (“Note on Nationalism,” George Orwell)

Saturday, April 04, 2009



Nationalism is not to be confused with patriotism. Both words are normally used in so vague a way that any definition is liable to be challenged, but one must draw a distinction between them, since two different and even opposing ideas are involved. By “patriotism” I mean devotion to a particular place and a particular way of life, which one believes to be the best in the world but has no wish to force upon other people. Patriotism is of its nature defensive, both militarily and culturally. Nationalism, on the other hand, is inseparable from the desire for power. The abiding purpose of every nationalist is to secure more power and more prestige, not for himself but for the nation or other unit in which he has chosen to sink his own individuality. ("Note on Nationalism," George Orwell)


Ballistic Missile Testing

[US President Barak Obama] said that the North's "unhelpful" response only added to its international isolation. He said North Korea could not threaten the "safety and security of other countries with impunity". (BBC website)

Long-range ballistic missiles… The US and the Soviet Union were very active until the mid 1980s in developing intercontinental ballistic missiles tipped with nuclear warheads to annihilate each other and the human race. Certainly, I don’t agree to the upcoming North Korea’s long-range rocket launch that would cross the Pacific over Japan. But, the attitude of the superpower is almost always hypocritical.

Japan’s media are reporting where the PAC3 “Patriot” missiles have been deployed, totally undressing the defense positions to North Korea. Would they report the same in real war?

Friday, April 03, 2009

Moved to the Arrogant League?


Thursday, April 02, 2009

Are You Kidding Me?

I received two “Dear Tenants” SMSs from the management company today. One says, “free internet access hv been provided at Neil Rd for your usage.” Another told me that “we hv enlisted StarHub digital DDTV services (16 channels for your viewing pleasure at no cost) effective next Tuesday.” Are you kidding me? And what’s “DDTV”? “HDTV”? Should it be “DTTV”?

Oh No! (I Mean "Oh Yes"!)

Painfully busy, but I shouldn’t complain.