Thursday, March 12, 2009

Ridiculous Day

The “man” of the management company called me this afternoon to explain what is happening with the online issue. I only understand that the previous owner did something unreasonable and /or illegal to the connection though the man never says anything illegal has ever taken place here. After all, however, it seems that I have to give up my contract with StarHub and change to SingTel. He told me that it would not necessary to pay any early-termination penalty fee. I’m not so sure. I would demand his company to bear the cost for the termination should StarHub ask me to pay up. I will visit the CS Center again over the weekend and find what StarHub has to say to me.

This morning, when I was moving myself into a taxi, I found out that I forgot to bring my wallet with my security card inside. Said sorry to the driver. But, there was no way to come back into the house. Decided to take a second taxi anyway and go to the working place. Borrowed $20 to pay for the ride and lunch. Luckily had some coins in my pocket, enough to come back by MRT. Waited for half an hour until one of the other tenants came back and let me in. I showed him the key of the unit. He asked me which unit (there are four) on the third floor I am staying in. His looks were very suspicious and telling me, “You are STUPID.”


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