Tuesday, July 26, 2016

MOM Terminated Company's Online Account + Seven Testimonials

Last Saturday, Work Pass division of MOM replied.
The message says, my company’s EP Online account “was terminated due to no active
user.” Who asked MOM to terminate it? What about me working for the company? As
instructed, I re-registered for the account. And “If the application is successful,
you will get a one-time PIN…” If successful? Does it mean it may be unsuccessful?
I can only make an appeal only with the account.
Altogether, I got seven testimonials from clients and those I’ve worked with.
Yesterday morning, in a dream I was back at Company N in Kyoto, feeling really small
there because I re-joined it after quitting in frustration and even anger. Everybody
was working as usual and I was the only one who didn’t know what to do and how to
behave. Worse, A was also in the dream looking for me. Over the years, I’ve seen more
than a few dreams of Company N, always a nightmare.
Alcohol intake record:
July 22 (Fri.) – 25 (Mon.): none

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