Sunday, December 27, 2009

Asia Excluding Japan, Quirking English Intonation, SI & Third Language

I don’t quite get it. It seems to me that many Japanese don’t see Asia as the area their country belongs to and they love to separate Japan from the rest of Asia. When they say “Asia,” this “Asia” almost always excludes their own country. Making this thinking doubly unbelievable is the fact that there were days when Japan was trying to make the rest of the vast area of Asia a part of it. It may not be so surprising because of, not despite, this history. Their mindset seems to be so narrow, superficial and even arrogant just as it was many years ago.

The intonation of English spoken by most Chinese-Singaporeans is like a needle inserted between nerves. Their way of stress placement makes my body squirm as when a needle goes into a position in a way that it doesn’t hit any nerve directly causing great pain but it touches two adjacent nerves only so slightly.


The idea of learning a third language is something that comes back to me. Korean, Chinese, Spanish. I only dabbled in them without reaching the critical mass that should have snowballed my learning. A third language, I believe, will make the language part of my brain triangular, allowing me to see the three languages in perspective. Now my interest is starting to tilt toward Russian. I admit this tilt is very much influenced by the books by Yonehara Mari that I’ve read.

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