Saturday, February 25, 2006

Abu Ammar Was Trying to Create a Single Front

“Arafat: The Biography” (Tony Walker/Andrew Gowers) は、「オスロ合意」の直前まで読み進んだ。水没したため読み終えられなかったRubin/Rubin “Arafat: Political Biography” はずいぶん議長に批判的で、嘲笑的でさえあったが、Walker/Gowers の方は比較すれば好意的な内容だと思う。


[I]n his attempt to ensure that the forthcoming PNC would prove reasonably representative of Palestinian aspirations, Arafat traveled to Khartoum in the first week of September [of 1991] for a meeting with Ibrahim Ghosheh, spokesman for Hamas… which had its strongest roots in the Gaza Strip, and which had emerged as a powerful and militant counterweight to Fatah. For some time, Arafat had been attempting to draw Hamas into the broad PLO church. (pp. 340-341) 「ハマス」がさほど注目されていなかった時期だ。

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