Thursday, March 03, 2016

Gastro/Colonoscopy Result & Painful Left Wrist and Fingers

On 19th (Fri.), a letter arrived from the specialist medical center which said about the gastro biopsy, “There is no metaplasia, dysplasia, malignancy or H. pylori.”

On 22nd (Mon.), I met my Upp. Thomson doctor who had received the result of gastro/colonoscopy. She was happy with the result, though she was not aware of the biopsy.

On 23rd (Tue.), I visited the office of the specialist doctor at Mount E., who looked at the inside of my stomach and intestine. He said, “I didn’t want to explain this on the phone,” and congratulated me.

Now the biggest thing that’s bothering me is my left wrist. This pain is persisting though how painful varies during a day. And when I wake up, whether from 8-hour sleep or a 1/2-hour nap, I have pain in all my fingers, especially their second joints, which disappears within an hour or so. I’m afraid this may be rheumatism. It seems cracking the fingers lessens the pain. These two pains don’t seem related. I was blaming Hindu pushups for the wrist pain, but now I’m not so sure and have really no good idea what started it in the first place. I don’t wanna go see yet another doctor…

And for the strange cholesterol result I have a suspect. That’s those banana chips from India I was eating with corn flakes. The chips are fried, and who knows what kind of oil they use to fry them. It may not even be edible. About 10 days ago, I stopped eating them not because of this suspicion but I ate them up and I simply didn’t buy another bag. I think I finished four or five bags of them.

On 20th (Sat.), I had an early morning nightmare. It was probably a rectangular football-sized black porous thing floating in the balcony of this apartment at the height of a human. It was looking into the living room, separated from the balcony with a mosquito-net door, which I don’t have in reality, preventing the thing entering the room. The thing brought me to a half-awake condition and so scared, I tried to, but couldn’t, shout twice, making only muffled sound. Third time, I did shout and woke up.

There has been absolutely no progress with the legal case.

Alcohol intake record:
Feb. 17 (Wed.) – Mar. 3 (Thu.): none

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