Thursday, December 03, 2015

Skin Conditions and Mental Stress

On 16th of November, after the ultrasound screening and consultation with the doctor about the result, I was reading “The Economist” at home. Then I suddenly felt super itchiness on the upper left calf (almost behind the knee). Without thinking, I scratched the part and my fingers were wet with fluid. A bit surprised, I looked at the part and found five or six horizontal rashes (hives), each about one-centimeter long. The following day, the same happened to the left leg with a few itchy rashes.
Two mornings ago then, I found many of my fingers were covered with tiny itchy blisters, many of them with fluid inside. The itchiness on the right hand woke me up yesterday morning. Those rashes had spread to my hands, arms, feet and shoulders. Today, the condition was not as bad, but some itchiness still remains.
And my right index finger. The redness has subsided and the boundary between the red and normal parts are not as defined as before. Yet, it still looks ugly very much as the skin keeps becoming hard and peeling off.
I believe all these are because of my mental stress.
This afternoon, I visited the embassy of the Philippines again to have the reply-affidavit notarized. Because the lawyer sent me the reply-affidavit with the identical content yesterday (Wednesday), this time in the Word (not PDF) format, I assumed that I could amend it as I thought deemed necessary. I made minor changes myself. As I did for the complaint-affidavit back in August, I asked the embassy to expedite the process for an extra fee. While the reply-affidavit was being notarized, I checked a few convenience stores and Kinokuniya to see any of the places had the latest issue of The Economist. None did. Instead, I bought The Atlantic to make it my companion at a Starbucks outlet.  
If these skin problems happen to me really because of my mental stress, they, and possibly other funny things, may appear again unless the criminal case has been settled in a way that satisfies me. I do not know for how long I have to wait to see the day.

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