Tuesday, December 09, 2014

Truth about "Sex Slaves": Bring Charges against Korean Guys

McDougall Report (E/CN.4/1998/13):

“Japan is clearly the most appropriate location to conduct criminal prosecutions of those responsible for implementing the “comfort stations” system. Korean Council for the Women Drafted for Sexual Slavery by Japan filed a complaint in 1994 with the Chief Prosecutor in Tokyo seeming criminal prosecution of Japanese military officers and others involved in the operation of the “comfort stations”. [See “Complaint” <http://www.peacenet.or.kr/~jdh/e comfort/library/complaint/comp.htm.] The Japanese Government should act as a matter of urgency on this complaint and should seek to bring charges against any surviving individuals who operated or frequented the military’s rape centres.”

So the Government of Japan should “bring charges against any surviving individuals who operated or frequented the military’s rape centers” even if any one of those surviving individuals is a Korean citizen now (Korean-Japanese then).

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