Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Obnoxious Personality

“人間的におかしい.” No doubt it's a strong statement that I rarely hear and, as far as I remember, I have never uttered about anyone. But this is how A described the character of B. It’s been some time since I myself started feeling something obnoxious about B’s behaviour. As damning is another statement of A’s, “(彼は)媚びる.” I’ve noticed such a disposition of B’s. And the knowledge B seems happy to exhibit is often laughably superficial, to the extent that I, out of courtesy and maybe friendship, am forced to go along not to make him embarrassed. Unless B becomes aware of these and attempt to rectify his behaviour, he will only vitiate his own self further.

東京上空の「遊覧飛行」は、どこか1カ所を観光したい、させたいと金賢姫元工作員本人と韓国側から要請があったからだという、中井洽拉致問題担当相の発言を、読売電子版によると韓国政府が否定している 。どっちかが正直ではないということだ。また、賢姫さんが「『(拉致された)横田めぐみさんと田口八重子さんが生きている』とはっきりお答えいただいた。」という同相の発言(朝日電子版)も、賢姫さんが爆破事件以降は北朝鮮に戻っていないことから、どこまで現実を言い表しているものかわからない。だからと言って、彼女の来日が無意味だったというものではない。拉致被害者の家族は、どんなに古いものであっても直接情報は貴重なものだろうから。

I received a late night call from Kyoto yesterday. For about 45 years, I’ve been trying to make sense of all. But she has never shown faculty to listen to me and come to terms of any part of all. It’s hopeless.

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