Saturday, October 31, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
Keep Your Stand Here Even Though You Are a Politician
公明党との選挙協力について民主党の石井一選挙対策委員長が、「今度の参院選ではそういう呼びかけはしない。この間まで自公政権を組み、自民党とあれだけの協力態勢を作ってきた。(仮に協力しても)実効ある結果は期待できない」 (毎日電子版)。これまであれだけ公明党と創価学会を批判しておいて、「今度の参院選では」「実効ある結果は期待できない」なんて言わんといてほしい。「あるわけないやろ」とあっさり発言すべき。
Almost 50 pages into “My Lobotomy,” Howard Dully’s story about his unhappy childhood continues.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Four New Books and Kissinger in a Secret China Mission
I went to the bank to deposit a small amount into the corporate account. On my way back, I found and got “My Lobotomy,” a memoir by Howard Dully and Charles Fleming. Dully underwent a lobotomy surgery performed by Dr. Walter Freeman, when he was only twelve. I also got “The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat” (Oliver Sacks), “Musicophilia” (Oliver Sacks) and “The Language Instinct” (Steven Pinker). All should be interesting. I understand that Dr. Freeman is the subject of another book, “The Lobotomist.” I’ll get this too. And in “White House Years,” Kissinger is finally about to leave for China in a roundabout way for his secret mission.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Nomura Family & Nixon White House
Reading “White House Years” makes me wonder why Nixon selected Rogers as his Secretary of State and Agnew as his Vice President in the first place. There was no trust between the President and these two. The turf war is constant between the White House and the State Department, and State and other departments. And Nixon seems rather suspicious of Agnew or any VP under him who may be aspiring to succeed him on his own death in office.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Ok Ok, Now Stop the Song, Mr. Fuse
「フセアキラ」が、頭の中で「もしもどちらか~も~っと強い気持ちで~」と歌い続け、それからこの歌を聴きながら、「Photoshop」の「Spot healing brush」で画像を処理している絵が出てきた。イヤな眠りだった。何なの、これ?スッキリ、眠らせて……。
Monday, October 26, 2009
Ominous Sign
I should really be watchful of my sleeping pattern. Out of sleep, I now don’t get out of bed and want to stay there for another 10 minutes, 15 minutes or an hour. That’s one of the ominous signs.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
War Dream
Two nights (or morning) ago, my dream was declaring that two wars broke out simultaneously. Sweden was one of the parties in both wars. Other countries at war were Central Asian or Caucasus countries. A newspaper, which had a similar name to the “Far Eastern Economic Review,” reserved its uppermost part for this war story. There were not many paragraphs as this was still a breaking news piece. The article even included a few Japanese characters for the comments by Japanese witnesses. At the time, I was staying at a school dormitory (hostel). But the scene from the room window looked eerily like the one from my Kyoto home window beyond which a canal was running. Through the dorm window, I found a warship going upstream at the full speed with its bright lights on.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Infamous Sleeping Pattern
I should be careful. The infamous sleeping pattern seems coming back to me. The hard part is to see if this is because of an excessive or insufficient dosage of Cymbalta. One of the many funny things about almost any kind of antidepressant is that depression is listed as one of their side effects!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Tiny Guys, More of Funny Japanese Phrases & PM's Cosmetic Surgery
Yesterday, I found my rattan chair had become a comfy residence for a countless number of tiny dark-colored insects. Yes, countless. I immediately removed the cushion covers and dumped them into the washing machine. For the chair itself, I cleaned it with a cloth soaked with mild detergent. With those tiny ones still coming out and more out from the chair, I tried to suck little friends into the vacuum cleaner and sprayed the chair with a disinfectant I got this afternoon at Giant of Vivo City which claims to “kills viruses, bacteria, mould and mildew on surface.” I loved insects and amphibian creatures when I was a kid. No more.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Another Victim of Depression
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Pardon Me? What Did You Say?
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Mr. Arai Appears
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Two Nightmares
Monday, October 12, 2009
Do Not Forget His Wife
「定本 啓蒙かまぼこ新聞」を読んだ。全編ナンセンスと駄じゃれで埋まっておる。見習わねば。*
まともに夕食をとらなかったもんだから、夜中1時を過ぎてから空腹を感じて、去年11月にもらった「辛ラーメン(ラミョン)」を食べた。こんなもんを食べると頭皮のあらゆる毛穴から汗が噴き出して、顔の側面を経由してあごからポタポタと流れ落ちてくるはずが、それほどの汗ではなかった。先月、東の「Seafood Centre」にある「Jumbo」でチリクラブを食べたときから、汗の量が変わった。何が原因なんやろう。そして、「辛ラーメン」の賞味期限を見たら、2009年3月18日となっていた。「ミスQ」でなくともビックリ。
Friday, October 09, 2009
My "Hawks" Blog Materials to be Restored
Nobel Peace Prize to Barak Obama. Why?
Thursday, October 08, 2009
Unconstitutional Bill to be Submitted?
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
"Shotai Nembutsu" through the Night
眠れない夜は「世帯念仏」か。場面や文章や音楽がきれぎれに頭の中に現れるんやけど、ずっと根底に流れているのは「眠りへの願望」。きれぎれの小言をブツブツ言いながら念仏を唱え続けるおやじの噺、「所帯念仏」にどこか似てたりする。ゆんべからけさにかけては、韓国全羅南道光陽の製鉄所でお世話になった人たちとか。日経新聞「WagaMaga」に連載されてる「京の噺家……」は噺解説の今より裏話が中心やった以前の方がよかったなぁとか。“Burmese Days”を終えて、また舞い戻ってきた“White House Years”の内容の細かさと構文的な正確さ、美しさとか。マーラーの8番第2部の最初とか。
Sunday, October 04, 2009
Former Finance Minister Found Dead
The first newspaper website I opened today surprised me deeply. The headline was shouting that Former Finance Minister Shoichi Nakagawa had been found dead at his Tokyo home. He was 56. I believe many people instantly suspected a suicide case here provided the embarrassment and disgrace he suffered after his “I was not drunk” performance in a Rome press conference in February and his subsequent defeat in the general election in August. But it doesn’t seem the case. The police are still investigating the cause of his death. His own father, also an LDP politician, committed suicide at the age of 57.
Saturday, October 03, 2009
Friday, October 02, 2009
Locked Out Again
Locked myself out for the third time. Rescued after 40 minutes. I should come up with a sure way to keep the key with me when I go out… tonight, as a habit ever after the second lockout, I felt the pocket to ensure the key was inside and thought it was. It wasn’t.
Thursday, October 01, 2009
Online friends come and go, as one should expect them to. My life seems stale. “Mr Flory,” a character in “Burmese Days,” would say the same thing. Solitude. And more solitude when surrounded by absurd talks by absurd people. And further solitude and isolation when one, Mr Flory for example, attempts “highbrow” talks. Highbrow talks are not for me. However, once in a while, one naturally craves something meaningful.
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