Sunday, July 30, 2017

The Ministry of Fear

This fear of having to leave here is probably at its highest with me having found yesterday that the ministry would accept no more appeal. I am absolutely happy to leave this country if I have a clear idea as to where I can/should go next. And though I have some emotional attachment to this place, it is rather shallow now, given the kind of treatment I've received from the ministry.
As soon as I found their rejection to accept another appeal from me, I sent an email to them asking them to give me just another chance. But how many more times am I willing to say, "Please"?
In the meantime, my feeling toward Sai Gon is growing, again. Tonight, I found a photo of "Q Cafe" uploaded by someone, a traveler. I frequented Q Cafe during my stay in the city for dinner and drink in 2008. I may plan to visit the city once again though I though there would be no more trip there last October.
I even re-read a Kaiko Takeshi book about the Vietnam War ("Sai Gon no Jujika") and re-started another by him ("Viet Nam Senki").
I would love to visit (even stay at) some of the places which Graham Greene, Kondo Koichi and Kaiko Takeshi mention in their works. (I know what Pham Ngu Lao has become.)The

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