Saturday, February 14, 2009

Another Two Rounds and Tired

Another two rounds today. I thought about going out for shochu. I changed my mind while waiting for the 174 bus at the Eu Tong Sen Bus Terminal. Physically so tired. No profit-creating work yesterday and today. Last night I found a number of pubs along Kampong Bahru Road. It is interesting to know what sort of night it shows me. Tonight, I met another neighbor. Or first I met her visitor waiting at the main door when I arrived in my second round. “Excuse me?” I said to him, who is so-called Caucasian and seemed in his late 40’s. He replied, “Oh, she is coming.” And “she” was, I believe, a Chinese lady whose nationality I have no idea of, though when I said, “Just moved in,” what she said to me was, “That’s okay.” Strange conversation. I was not asking for her permission to stay in the house. I guess the family I greeted yesterday is from the mainland, considering the whole family crammed into a space that should not be so different from mine. It is also interesting to see what kind of people are staying in the same house.

My friend told me this afternoon that he attended a birthday party held for the father of one of his friends. The friend is half-Japanese half-Malay. His father is Japanese. At that moment, I was thinking about only one man. “Maybe you know him. His name is XXXXXX.” Aha, that was just what I guessed! I would rather not be connected with that man in any way.

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