Thursday, June 26, 2008

This Time in Vietnam (3)

2008年6月24日(火)18:38 (Vietnam Time)

Because the room doesn’t have a window, it is always dark, of course unless I turn on the lights. (Strictly, there is a window. But no sunlight comes in as what I see through the window is the next building with a distance of about 30 cm between the two.) A dark room allows me to sleep for many hours and some more hours… No clear sense of time.

けさの夢には「福本さん」が出てきた。 元阪急外野手で盗塁王だった福本さん。福本さんは、新しくレストランを開店し、自分はそこに招待された人たちのひとりだった。店員用のユニフォームをプレゼントしてくれた。特別にデザインしたものということで、バミューダ丈の(多分、青色の)パンツだった。レストランは野球場のグラウンドから幅の狭いはしごを上りきったところにあった。ちょっと危険。入り口はレストランの床を四角に切り取った人ひとりが通るには小さめの穴で、これも危険。

20:54 (Vietnam Time)

招待客の中には「英会話学校」時代の元同僚もいた。それから、リゾート地で撮ってきた写真を見せている人も。写真に写っている海と白壁の建物は自分にとって見慣れた風景で、どこだったかなぁと考えている人に、それはシンガポールの「XX」ですよと教えてあげた。「XX」は「Tiong Bahru」だったかもしれない。子供もいて、「YY」という名札を付けていた。「YY」と言えば元阪急のコーチの名前。そのコーチの子供だと思ってたずねたが、関係ないようだった。


2008年6月25日(水)21:15 (Vietnam Time)



I’m having the Vietnamese soup noodle, “Pho” (pronounced fa-ah) for dinner every other day. On my previous two visits, it was bean sprouts, green onions and chilli to be had with the noodle. But this time, I tried a restaurant that I had not before. There, instead of green onions, it was sliced onions to be added with bean sprouts, chilli and mint leaves and another herb that tastes like, but doesn’t look like, coriander. A rather unusual pricing is that noodles with beef are cheaper than those with chicken.

Yesterday, I learned Former PM Mori was visiting Singapore and met PM Lee. In my view, he was one of the most inconsequential PMs that Japan’s ever had, except his contribution to popular jokes.

Recap of perhaps the most popular one:
For an incoming visit by Prez Bill Clinton, a foreign ministry official gave a simple instruction to Mori as to how to greet the Prez.

It was supposed to go like…
Mori: How are you?
Clinton: Fine. And you?
Mori: Me too.

But as the folklore claims, it went like…
Mori: Who are you?
Clinton: I’m Hillary’s husband. And you?
Mori: Me too.

2008年6月26日(木)13:11 (Vietnam Time)



Last night, I killed three mosquitoes and there was another that was hiding. Many bites.


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