Monday, February 27, 2012

Maurice André

フランスのトランペット奏者、モーリス・アンドレ(Maurice André)が亡くなったと報じられている。演奏会で聴いたのは、後にも先にも昭和58年3月31日に開かれた小澤征爾指揮の京都市交響楽団特別演奏会(京都会館第1ホール)でのただ一度だけ(フンメル:トランペット協奏曲ホ長調)だったが、あの弾力ある玉のような音色にあこがれた。

Thursday, February 02, 2012

Chains of Books + Utterly Poor Defense MInister

Friday last week, I finished “マレー蘭印紀行 and on Monday “旅行者の朝食 (Завтрак Туриста)”by Мари. And it was last Monday afternoon when I finally saw the last page of The End of the Affairs, more exactly Introduction of the book because I went back to it after I had finished the story. The same afternoon, I started Anna Karenina, an English translation very unfortunately.

Looking at the new Defense Minister of Japan, everybody should be remembering their schooldays, those moments when they had absolutely no idea as to what to say to questions from their teachers. Utterly poor guy… The big question is “why didn’t he refuse the portfolio when it was offered to him”? Instead of those officials sitting behind him trying to teach how to answer, why doesn’t he have his wife there?? I’m afraid he, so scared, stops to come to Diet sessions soon.