Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Those Minutes in Bed

The somnolent minutes that go by from the moment I first come to awake and I finally get out of bed are a mystery. It seems many thoughts, feelings and images pass through this half-conscious state. They are different from vivid dreams. Those minutes sometimes last more than an hour. Though those remind me of my depressive days, I let it happen believing they are some phenomenon the brain commands, with good will.

Somewhat related to this, I have about 80 pages to go with “Musicophilia: Tales of Music and the Brain” by Oliver Sacks. Almost all who appear in the book seem gifted, prominent musicians. Like his “The Man Who Mistook His Wife as a Hat,” this is rather an anecdotal collection of cases.


A few days ago at a supermarket checkout, I was called “ma’am.” It used to be “小姐”…

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