Sunday, November 23, 2008

End of a Work & State Indoctrination

The interpretation work that lasted for three weeks ended yesterday (on Friday). It was eventful three weeks with them, on and off work. I truly hope that those happenings, good and not so good, will become memories they will miss for whatever reason. I also wish to see all of them again in Singapore, Taiwan or even in Japan.

Lectures and QA sessions Noam Chomsky gave at the University of California in 1988 are so incisive, even harsh. “The Economist” used to be a very good source of information, but I’m losing interest in reading all news magazines. What a significant difference he is making to my life! PEOPLE OF THE WORLD, WAKE UP! Those in power always try to indoctrinate you to suit their way of thinking. So be careful.

Browsing through the Borders bookstore this afternoon (on Saturday), I got a collection of essays by George Orwell, “All Arts are Propaganda.”

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