Tuesday, February 09, 2016

My Liver Is Okay Now, But...

I visited the clinic last Friday to learn about the result of my second blood test. Mixed news.

My liver is OKAY.
SGPT/ALT: 11 from 75
SGOT/AST: 17 from 71
GGT: 16 from 161

The uric acid value hardly budged from 8.2 to 7.9 despite those folic acid tablet and DHA supplement. And urea actually increased from 33 to 48.

A thing more strange is the cholesterol numbers. Total cholesterol went UP from 189 to 214 with HDL DOWN from 66 to 46 and LDL UP from 77 to 142! I don’t know at all why this happened as I definitely believe I’ve eating better!! Chicken and tofu. And sweat-dripping exercise!!

And what the doctor said was unexpected to her is the result of the tumor makers, which were not tested in the first blood test. One of the markers (Carcino-embryonic antigen or CEA) showed 5.04, a little above the reference range of <4 .70.="" 16th.="" a="" about="" according="" and="" anything="" are="" arranged="" as="" be="" becoming="" blood="" cancerous.="" cases="" cea="" cost="" detected="" doctor="" don="" even="" feel="" free="" from="" go="" goes="" have="" her.="" i="" if="" in="" is="" it="" japan="" know="" m="" may="" more="" my="" no="" not="" now="" of="" on="" one="" or="" ou="" over="" polyp="" range="" reason="" s="" said.="" said="" scope.="" set="" she="" shit.="" should="" some="" somewhere="" span="" suggested="" t="" that="" the="" there="" thing="" to="" trace="" undergo="" up="" was="" which="" won="" worried="">

One’s life can go on so unluckily. Expense of S$3,000 even if it’s for my own health when much of my lifetime savings are gone because of idiocy of a lady.

My left wrist still hurts a bit. The doctor gave me tablets to ease its inflammation. But tonight, I resumed my exercise (it’s been about 10 days…) but without Hindu pushups because of the slight pain. 

Alcohol intake record:
Jan. 31 (Sun.) – Feb. 9 (Tue.): none

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