Monday, September 21, 2009

Rakugo Voices, Irabu & Lens Dream

Last night, I watched the two “rakugo” DVDs again. Whether a story can be enjoyed depends partly on the voice tone. Voices too bright and clear do not impress. Even when a young woman’s role is played, it should be a little rugged.

Some days ago, Irabu Hideki terminated his contract with an independent league club, citing an injury. What did he want in the first place? I almost admired him for his decision to restart his career. He seemed to discover what he was truly called to, after an arrest in an incident where he went violent at an Osaka bar. Quite unfathomable.

Contact lenses have come back to my dream. Hello again. I haven’t had any dream of lenses since I changed to soft lenses. But it came back. It was soft lenses, large and very thick. Ha! I managed to put them into the eyes.

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