Friday, October 31, 2008

Let Me Sleep


Thursday, October 30, 2008

Morality Will Progress: Are You a Wage Slave?

As far as moral judgments are concerned, I think we’re on pretty shaky ground. However, given what indications we have from anthropology and history and intuition and so on, it seems to me that there is reason to believe that there are biologically rooted principles entering into moral judgments. Those principles are not obvious to us; we learn them through experience. Our moral and ethical judgements, to a certain extent, grow out of those principles, although they are obviously heavily conditioned by various doctrinal systems with social and historical roots, and by perceived choices and available interpretations that are socially and historically conditioned… It seems to me that, throughout history, it is quite common to find things that were regarded as entirely reasonable, ethical, and acceptable in earlier periods regarded with great contempt and disgust in later periods… If you read the Bible, say, you find that it is one of the most genocidal texts in our literature. It’s God who orders his chose people to wipe out the Amaledites down to the last man, woman and child.

… [A] little over a century ago, slavery was widely regarded as not only not wrong but even as highly ethical… If history goes on for another hundred years, which is dubious, I imagine that people will be looking back to practices that we accept and condone and will regard them as morally monstrous. In fact, it is not difficult to point to some of them. For example, we now regard it as a moral monstrosity for one person to enslave another, but we regard it as proper and just for people to be compelled to rent themselves to others to be able to survive – what was once called “wage slavery.” Someday we may come to appreciate that this too is an infringement on fundamental human rights – as, in fact, has long been argued in the libertarian socialist tradition. Similarly, the state system is based on principles of control, domination, and coercion that will, I hope, be regarded as morally intolerable… (“Aspects of a Theory of Mind (December 1984)”)

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Happy Russian Night

Who fails to watch “Waldbühne Berlin (Russian Night) 1993, Berliner Philharmoniker with Seiji Ozawa” without smiling? Tonight I watched this concert DVD for the 10th time (or more?). As far as the conductor keeps his long hair, I will keep mine. 「料理酒」のボトル1本、飲んでしまった……。

Monday, October 27, 2008


What have I done? What called up those images? Emotionally heavy and apparently overlapping images that I saw in dreams this morning and afternoon made a terrible day and bound me to the bed until 7 pm. Isolation, condemnation… Any real bad news in store for me?

At least eight people died in the eastern Syria by an alleged U.S. attack. An unnamed U.S. military official told the Associated Press that the raid by U.S. special forces targeted al-Qaeda-linked foreign fighters who were moving through Syria into Iraq. Al Jazeera reports that the Syrian government is considering a “response.”

Hmmmmm… People should ask how and why organizations like al-Qaeda and Hamas came into being in the first place.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Princess Grace & Chomsky's Lectures

I woke up only at 3 pm. My eyes opened at an early hour once but I simply went back to sleep. I didn’t feel bad when I woke up but the Soka chant was still sounding in my head. I’m not sure at all if the chant was coming from outside or it was a matter that was occurring only in my head.

Late last night, I watched “Rear Window,” a Hitchcock classic. In “The Deer Hunter,” there is a scene where Steve, now wheelchair-bound because of the injuries he suffered in Vietnam, mentions a visit of “Princess Grace.” Princess Grace of Monaco appears as the super-beauty actress Grace Kelly playing the role of a rich girl in “Rear Window.” A pure coincidence.

I finally crossed the mid-point of “Language and Politics.” Professor Chomsky explains his biological and psychological theory toward language and universal grammar (UG) in a far more accessible way in Interviews, “Language as a Key to Human Nature and Society (24 September 1983)” and “Things No Amount of Learning Can Teach (November 1983).”

… The assumption is that physical structures are genetically inherited and intellectual structures are learned.
I think that this assumption is wrong. None of these structures is learned. They all grow, they grow in comparable ways…

… [The] basic structures for our behaviour are innate. The specific details of how they grow would depend on interaction with the environment.

… I don’t think that there is any scientific evidence about the question whether we think only in language or not. But introspection indicates pretty clearly that we don’t think only in language necessarily. We also think in terms of visual images, we think in terms of situations and events, and so on, and many times we can’t even begin to express it in words, it is a common experience to say something and then to recognize that it is not what we meant, that it is something else.

I think that a very important aspect of language has to do with the establishing of social relations and interactions. Often, this is described as communication. But that is very misleading, I think. There is a narrow class of uses of language where you intend to communicate. Communication refers to an effort to get people to understand what one means. And that, certainly, is one use of language and a social use of it. But I don’t think that is the only social use of language. Nor are social uses the only uses of language. For example, language can be used to express or clarify one’s thoughts with little regard for the social context, if any.

[We] are only one species. You can imagine a different world in which a number of species developed with different genetically determined linguistic systems. It hasn’t happened in evolution. What has happened is that one species has developed, and the genetic structure of this species happens to involve a variety of intricate abstract principles of linguistic organization which, therefore, necessarily constrain every language, and, in fact, create the basis for learning language as a way of organizing experience rather than constituting something learned from experience.

I don’t think [human behaviors and languages] differ so much. I think that as human beings we quite naturally take for granted what is similar among human beings and they pay attention to what differentiates us. That makes perfect sense for us as human beings. I suppose that frogs pay no attention to being a frog. They take it for granted. What interests a frog are differences among frogs. From our point of view they are all more of less the same, from their point of view they are all radically different.

… Imagine an extrahuman observer looking at us. Such an extrahuman observer would be struck by the uniformity of human languages, by the very slight variation from one language to another. And by the remarkable respects in which all languages are the same. And then he would notice observing us that we do not pay attention to that because for the purpose of human life it is quite natural and appropriate just to take for granted that is common. We don’t concern ourselves with that, all we worry about are differences.

… Let’s imagine again an observer looking at us without any preconceptions. I think he would be struck by the fact that although human beings have the capacity to develop scientific knowledge, it must be a very limited capacity because it is done only in very narrow and specific domains. There are huge areas where the human mind is apparently incapable of forming sciences or at least has not done so… (“Language as a Key to Human Nature and Society (24 September 1983)”)

Consider something that everyone agrees to is due to heredity – the fact that humans develop arms rather than wings… [We] assume that heredity must be responsible. In fact, if someone came along and said that a bird embryo is somehow “trained” to grow wings, people would just laugh…

… You have to laugh at claims that heredity plays no significant role in language learning, because exactly the same kinds of genetic arguments hold for language learning as hold for embryological development.
… In fact, language development really ought to be called “language growth” because the language organ grows like any other body organ.

… If someone came along and said, “Kids are trained to undergo puberty because they see other people,” once again everybody would laugh… [We] all assume that puberty is genetically determined.

… Look, all through an organism’s existence, from birth to death, it passes through a series of genetically programmed changes. Plainly language growth is simply one of those predetermined changes. Language depends upon genetic endowment that’s on a par with the ones that specify the structure of our visual or circulatory systems, or determine that we have arms instead of wings.

The best evidence involves those aspects of a language’s grammar that are so obvious, so intuitively self-evident to everyone, that they are quite rightly never mentioned in traditional grammars.

… Some of the oddities of English pronoun behavior illustrate what I mean. Take the sentence, “John believes he is intelligent.” Okay, we all know that “he” can refer to either John or to someone else; so the sentence is ambiguous. It can mean either that John thinks he, John, is intelligent, or that someone else is intelligent. In contrast, consider the sentence, “John believes him to be intelligent.” Here the pronoun “him” can’t refer to John; it can refer only to someone else.
Now, did anyone teach us this peculiarity about English pronouns when we were children? It would be hard to even imagine a training procedure that would convey such information to a person. Nevertheless, everybody knows it – knows it without experience, without training, and at quite an early age…

… [Let] me give you another example. English contains grammatical constructions that are called parasitic gaps. In these constructions, you can drop a pronoun and still understand the sentence in the same way as when the sentence contains a pronoun. Consider the sentence, “Which article did you file without reading it?” Notice that you can drop the pronoun “it” without changing meaning or grammaticality. You can say, “Which file did you file without reading?” But you can’t say, “John was killed by a rock falling on,” when you mean, “John was killed by a rock falling on him.” This time omitting the pronoun destroys both meaning and grammaticality.

Constructions of this type – where you can or cannot drop the pronoun – are very rare. In fact, they are so rare that it is quite likely that during the period a child masters his native language (the first five or six years of life), he never hears any of these constructions, or he hears them very sporadically. Nonetheless, every native speaker of English knows flawlessly when you can and can’t drop pronouns in these kinds of sentences.

… We now know that universal grammar consists of a collection of preprogrammed subsystems that include, for example, on responsible meaning, another responsible for stringing together phrases in a sentence, a third one that deals, among other things, with the kinds of relationships between nouns and pronouns that I discussed earlier. And there are a number of others.

These subsystems are not genetically preprogrammed down to the last detail. If they are, there would be only one human language. But heredity does set rather narrow limits on the possible ways that the rules governing each subsystem’s function can vary. Languages like English and Italian, for example, differ in their choice of genetically permitted variations that exist as options in the universal grammar. You can think of these options as a kind of linguistic menu containing mutually exclusive grammatical possibilities.

For example, languages like Italian have chosen the “null subject” option from the universal grammar menu: in Italian you can say “left” when you mean “he left” or “she left.” English and French have passed up this option and chosen instead the rule that requires explicit mention of the subject.

In English the most important element in every major grammatical category comes first in its phrase. In simple sentences, for example, we say “John hit Bill,” not “John Bill hit.” With adjectives we say “proud of John” not “John of proud”; with nouns we say “habit of drinking wine,” not “drinking wine of habit”; and with prepositions we say “to John,” not “John to.” Because heads of grammatical categories always come first, English is called a head-initial language.

Japanese is a head-final language. In Japanese you say “John Bill hit.” And instead of prepositions, there are postpositions that follow nouns: “John to,” rather than “to John.” So here’s another parameter the child’s got to learn from experience: Is the language head-initial or head-final?

… A slight change in just one of the universal grammar’s parameters can have enormous repercussions throughout the language. It can produce an entirely different language. (“Things No Amount of Learning Can Teach (November 1983)”)

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Plunged Concentration

A day of low concentration. Woke up after only a few hours of sleep. Checked online papers and watched a DVD, “The Deer Hunter.” The main character, Michael (Robert De Niro) is a tough guy a bit too perfect from beginning to end. Took a nap after the movie. Very much irritated by the chant of a weekly Soka gathering at the next block.

For quite some time, a person (or persons) has been looking for information of Stalin’s Soviet Union. I hope my quotes from a book by Montefiore help.

I haven’t reached the mid point of “Language and Politics.”

Friday, October 24, 2008

October 23... a Special Day?



Wednesday, October 22, 2008

US "Human Rights" Government, Subservient Media & East Timor

[In] December 1975 Indonesia invaded East Timor, surely with the collusion of the United States. The invasion took place a few hours after President Ford and Henry Kissinger left Jakarta. The Indonesian army was 90 percent armed with American arms… The United States has been in fact the primary force in both providing the armaments required for the invasion and also providing diplomatic cover and trying to prevent – successfully in this case – any knowledge of the consequences from spreading throughout the world. (p. 247, “Ideological Reconstruction after Vietnam (7 June 1979)”)

… It is known in small Third World countries, and they take it very seriously. And there are occasional exceptions in the West. But it has been extremely difficult against the concentrated opposition of the Western powers, and especially in the face of the almost total refusal of the mass media in the West to provide any information whatsoever, except the State Department propaganda, about these ongoing massacres. In fact, it is one of the most extreme examples that I know of that demonstrates the fundamentally totalitarian character of the Western mass media and their subservience to the power of the major imperialist states. (p. 249, “Ideological Reconstruction after Vietnam (7 June 1979)”)

Right now, the part of the population that’s still alive [in East Timor] is mostly starving to death under conditions that American aid officials privately say are quite comparable to what exists in Cambodia. And the media refuse to publish a word about this. A few of them have published what is for the most part Indonesian government propaganda, but the majority of them haven’t said anything at all. Now in this case, the American media are behaving precisely in the manner of a totalitarian state-controlled press. But they’re doing if for their own interests. (p. 256, “On Human Rights and Ideology (October 1979)”)

… Indonesia has been a valued ally [of the United States] since the military regime demonstrated its anti-communist credentials by presiding over the massacres of many hundreds of thousands of people in 1965-66, then turning the country into a “paradise for investors,” who are impeded in their plunder of the country’s wealth only by the rapacity and corruption of the leadership. For this reason, the great crusade for “human rights” must ignore the misery of Timor – or more accurately, must lend its constant and increasing support to abetting the Indonesian atrocities and vastly extending their scale, while the press searches for evidence of Communist crimes. (p. 263, “An American View of the Ideological Confrontation of Out Time (3 February 1980)”)

… I don’t agree that the Carter administration has any concern for human rights. I think it has a human rights rhetoric that is perfectly consistent with supplying armaments for some of the world. On the other hand, it was from a propaganda point of view very effective to suddenly raise the human rights banner in 1976, at a time when there had been a great deal of revulsion over the obvious American role in repressing human rights throughout the world.
… Now as far as I know, no great power in the world in history has ever followed a human-rights policy – certainly not this administration. (pp. 253 – 254, “On Human Rights and Ideology (October 1979)”)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

1st Prez Debate & Meat Processing Plant

I feel I didn’t sleep even for a moment. I feel so possibly because I really didn’t sleep even for a moment. I was thinking about the YouTube video of the first presidential debate I watched late last night (more than three weeks late).

Obama’s voice was strong and his diction clear while McCain was speaking like through a denture. McCain seems to me someone in the Reagan-Bush mold, and he is firmly pro-Israel. Obama said that America was “less respected” in the world but offered no explanation as to why. The U.S. is less respected because it is ready and willing to invade other countries and kill people to secure its energy resources, disregarding cultural and religious sentiments. The U.S. is less respected because it has been providing the most advanced killing machines to Israel, which is safeguarding the region for the U.S. During the debate, there was absolutely no mention of Saddam Hussein. Nor was there any mention of Japan either.

And suddenly the following scenes of the dream I had the morning before came back to me.

数人(5人?10人?)といっしょで、場所は、「ここ、と畜場、えぇ、食肉加工場でしょ」。中にいた人が「そうですよ」と答えた。覗き見ると、加工作業中の人たちがいた。「You got very dirty areas and those that have to be very clean」と言うと、「そうですよ」と答えた人がうなずいた。


Monday, October 20, 2008

Dream of Snowy Mountains



Sunday, October 19, 2008

Back to "Language and Politics"

After several Japanese novels and non-fictions, I once again came back to “Language and Politics.” I do hope to finish this big book by the end of the year. (It is certainly regrettable that the book has a few typos, which distracts my concentration.)

According to the Asahi Shimbun website, Prime Minister Aso visited a supermarket in Tokyo today to feel how ordinary people’s day-to-day lives are affected by price rises only to end the day with a dinner at the Imperial Hotel.

Hmmm… The sudden increase of one-day page views (to 60) of a week ago seems an aberration. But why did it increase so dramatically?

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Yasukuni Reportage: Irresponsible Papers








Thursday, October 16, 2008

I Know You Have Something to HIde




Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Prof. Tadano & Sejima Ryuzo



Monday, October 13, 2008

"Professor Tadano"



Sunday, October 12, 2008

Page Views Suddenly Increased

平均11だったのが、先月の更新がわずかだったこともあってか6まで減っていた「page view」がこの日曜日は60になっている。なぜか?公明党・創価学会について少し書いたので、会員のみなさまが訪問してくださっているのでしょうか?そうだとしたら、ご批判の前によ~くご自分の胸に手をあててみることですな。



I spent a lazy weekend. Reading marched on, but two things I should’ve done was not done, namely, to check the “Straits Times” classified ads to find services that give me a corporate address and visit the “ACRA” website to see the business particulars currently registered.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Peace Pot Microdot



「三浦元社長、あの帽子の言葉の意味は何だったのでしょうか」と産経新聞(電子版)が掲載したのと同日、三浦元社長はロサンゼルスで自殺してしまった。サイパンから移送される時にかぶっていた帽子には「Peace Pot Microdot」と別れの言葉が書かれていた。銃撃事件後はテレビ番組で涙を流し、そして東京のホテル駐車場で彼が殺人未遂容疑で逮捕された時は、夜遅い時間だったが特番が生中継した。



Friday, October 10, 2008

Sleeping Day & "Nigun Kantoku"






I'm Behind the Times...

For some change of view, I visited Holland Village last night and Clark Quay tonight. I haven’t been to either place for rather many years. Especially, the changes that Clark Quay, the very first area where I had beer in Singapore eight years ago, showed me were almost shocking. Or I am not catching up with the times at all.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Even More ??? about "Fumo-Chitai"


Appeal to Conscientious Parliamentarians



Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Actor Ogata Ken, Nobel Laureate & More ??? about "Fumo-Chitai"








Monday, October 06, 2008

??? about "Fumo-Chitai"

巨匠の文章にケチをつけて申し訳ないが、「不毛地帯」のページに、リビア革命当時、駐在していた商社マンが日本外務省に宛てた電報に「We are safety.(私たちは安全である)」と書いたとある。「We are safety」って……。情けない英語。そしてカッコでくくられた日本語が「私たちは安全である」。高校の英語の授業を思い出す。英語での会話を日本語にして書かれている個所は「直訳調」の文章が多く、読みにくいことはなはだしい。どうして「日本語で」書かなかったのだろう。そして、「建設用地のサイト・ブリパレーション(土地造成)」とも。「ブリパレーション」って何?「プリパレーション(preparation)」のことか?


Sunday, October 05, 2008

Get 4 and Lose 6









Saturday, October 04, 2008




Thursday, October 02, 2008

3D Dream






Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Singapore Icon Dies

Hari Raya Puasa

Last night, I learned of the death of JBJ, an icon in Singapore politics.

What a month it’s been for me! Starting with another faint, September ended with a hectic tone. This month and onward, I hope that things will be more evened out.


