Sunday, May 28, 2006

Letters from The Economist

Debating Singapore (The Economist, May 11 2006, Letters)

SIR – Singapore's minister mentor, Lee Kuan Yew, seemed to imply that Singaporeans are trading their freedom of expression for a stronger nation when he referred to the recent political upheavals in Thailand and the Philippines in a riposte to a suggestion (from a participant in a TV debate) that a little more such freedom might actually help the city state (“A rational choice”, April 22nd). To think that Singapore would lose any of its hard-won economic development if its citizens enjoyed more freedom of expression is fallacious. Equally, the clamping down of free speech in the Philippines and Thailand does not help their quest to become new Asian tigers.
William Kwan
Hong Kong

Prosperous or free? (The Economist, May 27 2006, Letters)

SIR – Mr Lee Kuan Yew judges the strength of a country by its economic prosperity (“A rational choice”, April 22nd). Other people prefer to do it by its people's liberty.
Katha Chalotorn

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